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No more helping people with moles.

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Got a phone call from someone who was wanting to know about setting mole traps. He must have seen an advert of mine somewhere. Now im pretty amiable so i was telling him a thing or two about mole trapping over the phone. Thought he had a mole problem and wanted to sort it out himself, ive no problem with that as i often advise over the phone for help with rats and mice. Anyway , we get talking and it turns out this cheeky git is wanting to trap moles for free in order to get shooting permission!! :icon_eek: I couldnt believe it! Im still flabbergasted! I told him that i trap moles for money and permission is a nice perk on the side , but no! he says he's doing it for free. Im glad i didnt go into detail,as i dont think anyone would/could do the moles that i do for free, it would be impossible, but its made my mind up.

Im not helping anyone now when it comes to moles. I will take my secrets to the grave!!!! :wallbash:

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i got loads of shite a while ago about not being very helpful with info on trapping moles, i was selling a video at the time and did make a living from trapping moles , why help the competition ?

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Yes i agree with trappa................i will only advise if i think i can help someone trap more humanely.....IE if they are getting foul catches. All other tricks of the trade i will keep close to my chest to stay one jump ahead of my competitors.



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trappa... you live and learn buddy, why do you think us like you that do it for a living keep quiet? its not because we cant or wont pass on knowledge its because if you do you in danger of shooting yourself in the foot.


I used to get about 25-40 pms a week asking for help and i have helped very few just for that reason.


its not because were tight with our knowledge just getting wiser

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as with any trade...........you learn many things over many years..........you can read all the books available...............but theres no substitute for experience...............in most cases experience through trial and error, this is what makes us, in whatever field were in....experts..................if anybody asks ...how do you trap moles(or any other subject).............this is the answer you should use..........................



easy...........my way!!!!!!


i dont think its being arsey...........but we all have different trades........if we shared our info wouldn't we end up with a country full of "jack of all trades"...........with a huge drop in quality and no doubt earnings.


my thoughts anyway


all the best



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  • 4 months later...
Got a phone call from someone who was wanting to know about setting mole traps. He must have seen an advert of mine somewhere. Now im pretty amiable so i was telling him a thing or two about mole trapping over the phone. Thought he had a mole problem and wanted to sort it out himself, ive no problem with that as i often advise over the phone for help with rats and mice. Anyway , we get talking and it turns out this cheeky git is wanting to trap moles for free in order to get shooting permission!! :icon_eek: I couldnt believe it! Im still flabbergasted! I told him that i trap moles for money and permission is a nice perk on the side , but no! he says he's doing it for free. Im glad i didnt go into detail,as i dont think anyone would/could do the moles that i do for free, it would be impossible, but its made my mind up.

Im not helping anyone now when it comes to moles. I will take my secrets to the grave!!!! :wallbash:



Strange posts on a trapping forum, loads of angry chappies talking about why their not telling anyone anything??? <_<<_< come on guys lighten up and tell us all your secrets, we won't say nowt. :whistling:

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regarding the previous link, in my opinion, the harpoon style traps are mostly used by people who haven't yet worked out how to really trap moles. It's not impossible to trap a mole with one, but it's damned hard. Scissors style traps like the Out-o-sight or the Talpex, and the Duffus style traps are much more effective in my view.

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Got a phone call from someone who was wanting to know about setting mole traps. He must have seen an advert of mine somewhere. Now im pretty amiable so i was telling him a thing or two about mole trapping over the phone. Thought he had a mole problem and wanted to sort it out himself, ive no problem with that as i often advise over the phone for help with rats and mice. Anyway , we get talking and it turns out this cheeky git is wanting to trap moles for free in order to get shooting permission!! :icon_eek: I couldnt believe it! Im still flabbergasted! I told him that i trap moles for money and permission is a nice perk on the side , but no! he says he's doing it for free. Im glad i didnt go into detail,as i dont think anyone would/could do the moles that i do for free, it would be impossible, but its made my mind up.

Im not helping anyone now when it comes to moles. I will take my secrets to the grave!!!! :wallbash:

i think you are right on there my man , the more it seems that you try and help them , the more they seem to either copy your ideas and try to make a fast buck out of them , there are more coming onto this site with profit in mind , wanting brass wire, eyelets, how to make this and that just to sell . look how the quick set long net was being sold after i showed it, and i,m the originator of the idea. my breakaway fox snare eyes, breakaway rabbit snares , earth anchors . yep trappa, i,m showing no bast#rd nothing else , except my personal friends on the site . and there are certain good ideas that are pretty deadly that i will also take to the grave .
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Guest friedrice
Got a phone call from someone who was wanting to know about setting mole traps. He must have seen an advert of mine somewhere. Now im pretty amiable so i was telling him a thing or two about mole trapping over the phone. Thought he had a mole problem and wanted to sort it out himself, ive no problem with that as i often advise over the phone for help with rats and mice. Anyway , we get talking and it turns out this cheeky git is wanting to trap moles for free in order to get shooting permission!! :icon_eek: I couldnt believe it! Im still flabbergasted! I told him that i trap moles for money and permission is a nice perk on the side , but no! he says he's doing it for free. Im glad i didnt go into detail,as i dont think anyone would/could do the moles that i do for free, it would be impossible, but its made my mind up.

Im not helping anyone now when it comes to moles. I will take my secrets to the grave!!!! :wallbash:

i think you are right on there my man , the more it seems that you try and help them , the more they seem to either copy your ideas and try to make a fast buck out of them , there are more coming onto this site with profit in mind , wanting brass wire, eyelets, how to make this and that just to sell . look how the quick set long net was being sold after i showed it, and i,m the originator of the idea. my breakaway fox snare eyes, breakaway rabbit snares , earth anchors . yep trappa, i,m showing no bast#rd nothing else , except my personal friends on the site . and there are certain good ideas that are pretty deadly that i will also take to the grave .

snareman, the quickset longnet that you talk about is that your idea ? seen a bit somewhere where brian brinded said it was is idea.

the breackaway fox snare eyes are yours and so are the rabbit breackaway snares and there is no one who have ever devised anything like them.

s hooks amberg release etc but no one have made a one pice unit before im sure,credit due.

but did you devise the ground anchor to, to all the us trappers .

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