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Went out sunday morning for a walk round some permission, got up 03:45am to get there in time for the dawn. As I parked the car two rabbits shot under some logs the farmer had dumped so I knew that I could have some action, I got set up and started walking round the field had gone about fifty yards when I spotted the first rabbit so I got my walking stick set and took aim, smack right below the ears he didnt get up. As I started to push on round the hedgerow and I saw a couple of rabbits darting in quite away up the field, I hadnt made any noises so I thought maybe there could be a charlie about. I pushed on and notice the spring barley had been cropped right down so there should be some action but nothing, got to the corner and still nothing so I waited by a highseat that was sat in the corner of the field. No sooner as I leaned up against it I saw a munty trotting along the same hedge he ran within twenty yard of me then darted through a gap to the next field I could see him through the hedge as he started dancing about and running up and down liked a spring lamb then I notice another set of legs, he must have been courting a doe but she didnt seem to interested in him. He tried for a couple of minutes to cop off with her but lost interest and ran back through the hedge along the field barking as he went back to the wood he came from. Just as he got to the wood a rabbit popped through the same gap he had came from, smack in the head another in the bag.

I started to make my way back to the car the same way I came and notice a slight breeze in my face hence no rabbits first time round but they had came out agian and I had three more by the time I reached the car one of them I hit in the head managed to kick its self down a hole before I got to it but the mess on the field showed me it was dead (lots of brain matter around the hole). I hadnt been out for a couple of months but all of the rabbits were head shots so I knew I wasnt ring rusty but should have clocked the wind.

Cheers, camgun!


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Nice thread Camgun. Fraustrating when reflexes help kick themselves out of arms reach down a hole :wallbash: Was out myself this weekend.. all lined up on a rabbit when this pait of roe burst out a small copse and start flirting and chasing each other round the field. Watched them so long and missed the opportunity on the rabbit who must have winded me or something. Good to know there are some Munties around your patch :victory: Nice to be out and see these things... what it's all about.

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