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Guest markbrick1
so mark , does this mean that it is on ? if it does happen any chance someone can video it
have you not noticed big red the other side went quiet,mark
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markbrick ........ i know f**k all about coursing ....well not compared with the rest of you experts on here ...... but there is one thing i know ...... and that is you did a thread on here saying you was leaving but yet your still here !!! so was that thread an attention thing ??? do you sometimes get lonely ???? do you sometimes need a speicial friend ??? if yes adult friend finders is for you lol


Yep 100% agree mate!


Markbrick1 the only Dog work you know is being a wanker having a perv at a motor in a Dogging spot!,so piss off!

oh sorry to forget you in the puppet list,suppose you feed full hares to keep the dogs fresh as well all pre ban of coarse are or you not old enough to remember pre ban :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:



Under your profile pic it says Extreme Hunter,more like Extrme ©unter....

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Guest bitsa lurcher
markbrick ........ i know f**k all about coursing ....well not compared with the rest of you experts on here ...... but there is one thing i know ...... and that is you did a thread on here saying you was leaving but yet your still here !!! so was that thread an attention thing ??? do you sometimes get lonely ???? do you sometimes need a speicial friend ??? if yes adult friend finders is for you lol


Yep 100% agree mate!


Markbrick1 the only Dog work you know is being a wanker having a perv at a motor in a Dogging spot!,so piss off!

oh sorry to forget you in the puppet list,suppose you feed full hares to keep the dogs fresh as well all pre ban of coarse are or you not old enough to remember pre ban :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

was that aimed at me ........ if yes ?? get your facts straight for i am no puppet :tongue2:

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Guest markbrick1
markbrick ........ i know f**k all about coursing ....well not compared with the rest of you experts on here ...... but there is one thing i know ...... and that is you did a thread on here saying you was leaving but yet your still here !!! so was that thread an attention thing ??? do you sometimes get lonely ???? do you sometimes need a speicial friend ??? if yes adult friend finders is for you lol


Yep 100% agree mate!


Markbrick1 the only Dog work you know is being a wanker having a perv at a motor in a Dogging spot!,so piss off!

oh sorry to forget you in the puppet list,suppose you feed full hares to keep the dogs fresh as well all pre ban of coarse are or you not old enough to remember pre ban :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

was that aimed at me ........ if yes ?? get your facts straight for i am no puppet :tongue2:

no dexter

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mark let talk sense for a while here plz i think you will turn up but you will definite cock on the grand part if not and i mean this most sincerely folks ill have half the bet off miles miles top dog man and he my hero.

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Guest bitsa lurcher
markbrick ........ i know f**k all about coursing ....well not compared with the rest of you experts on here ...... but there is one thing i know ...... and that is you did a thread on here saying you was leaving but yet your still here !!! so was that thread an attention thing ??? do you sometimes get lonely ???? do you sometimes need a speicial friend ??? if yes adult friend finders is for you lol


Yep 100% agree mate!


Markbrick1 the only Dog work you know is being a wanker having a perv at a motor in a Dogging spot!,so piss off!

oh sorry to forget you in the puppet list,suppose you feed full hares to keep the dogs fresh as well all pre ban of coarse are or you not old enough to remember pre ban :tongue2::tongue2::tongue2:

"markbrick" you are confusing me with who are quoting .... for above i have asked you a question and you have quoted and responded calling me dexter ...... sort it out pal

was that aimed at me ........ if yes ?? get your facts straight for i am no puppet :tongue2:

no dexter

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Guest markbrick1
I always feed hares to pups as a reward, I would totally agree with Miles about it making them keen :yes:

well in 40 plus yrs of runing lurchers i have never thrown a hare are rabbit to a dog to disembowel and eat,i have never even heard of it being done i also have never seen 3 dogs on 1 hare till that day mark,but dont forget i was invited to the fens for my dogs to be made fools of and the only way that could happen was lie and get the puppets behind him,mark

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Guest bitsa lurcher

"markbrick " a question or 2 for you ..... do you honestly have dogs as capable as you say they are ???? if yes offer a challenge and put a stop to the nonsense ....... or do you enjoy the attention and cyber abuse that you recieve ?????

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Guest markbrick1
"markbrick " a question or 2 for you ..... do you honestly have dogs as capable as you say they are ???? if yes offer a challenge and put a stop to the nonsense ....... or do you enjoy the attention and cyber abuse that you recieve ?????

all i say is i put a lot of time and effort into my dogs,and i love tellin the truth

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Well nobody I know would throw a load of lamped rabbits in a ditch because they are too lazy to take them home and utilise them, especially when lamping rabbits is a perfectly legal activity :doh:

What do you think dogs do in the wild do you think they are going to look around for a human to dress, skin and prepare the carcass for them once they have caught it? :D Ok so there is something a bit primeval about seeing a bunny or hare halfed in 3 :D but its a quick death and like Miles says it encourages young dogs because they are seeing an instant reward for their efforts. Take the rabbit or hare home and do all the honours and the dog is not going to know its the same rabbit or hare he killed earlier that day is he?

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Guest bitsa lurcher
"markbrick " a question or 2 for you ..... do you honestly have dogs as capable as you say they are ???? if yes offer a challenge and put a stop to the nonsense ....... or do you enjoy the attention and cyber abuse that you recieve ?????

all i say is i put a lot of time and effort into my dogs,and i love tellin the truth


is that a yes to all or any of my origanal questions ???

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