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Is this a good choice?

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Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the forum and also new to hunting with an air rifle. I'm hoping to buy a new air rifle for vermin/pest control and popping a few bunnies.


I have a notion to buy a Weihrauch HW97K with as yet, an un-chosen scope. Can you experts advise me if the rifle is a good choice and what scope would be best suited to the task?


Or indeed, what you would recommend as an alternative.


Many thanks.

Edited by Pheasant Plucker
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first of all...............welcome to the forum!!!!


good choice............do you have a budget????


scope youl need nothing bigger than a 3-9 x 50 ( only my opinion)


or even a fixed 4 x 44......would be more than adequate....but not as versatile.


hapy hunting mate



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Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the forum and also new to hunting with an air rifle. I'm hoping to buy a new air rifle for vermin/pest control and popping a few bunnies.


I have a notion to buy a Weihrauch HW97K with as yet, an un-chosen scope. Can you experts advise me if the rifle is a good choice and what scope would be best suited to the task?


Or indeed, what you would recomment as an alternative.


Many thanks.



first a warm welcom to the hunting life


best thing i can suggest is get yourself down to our local gunshop and see if they will let you ty before you buy or at worse case let you hae a look at the gun before you buy it some people find the Weihrauch guns to be quite heavy i myself have a hw77k and i must say it is a little heavy but i find it managble but as for hunting the gun cetainly is upto the task of dispatching vermin out to the normal limits aof 35 yards as for the scope you can spend from £30 to £300 pounds it really does depend on your budget

Edited by borak
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I think we should avoid going all in with scope sizes... if Pheasant Plucker is new to this it could be very confusing.


Start with price range and work from there... also thanks for raising this, as I now know what to add to the FAQ. :D

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I think we should avoid going all in with scope sizes... if Pheasant Plucker is new to this it could be very confusing.


Start with price range and work from there... also thanks for raising this, as I now know what to add to the FAQ. :D



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Thanks for the prompt replies.


The matter of weight doesn't bother me too much as I am used to carrying a failry heavy trap gun during DTL/clay pigeon outings.


The scope on the other hand - well, I haven't a clue as to what size of scope or reticule I should choose. My budget may extend to £60

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good advice off borak about going to your local gun shop..............at least you can see whats available and what suits you and your budget.


problem nowadays is there to much damn choice!!!!!!!


all it all works out for you PP and let us know what you end up with.


and get posting your results as soon as!!!!!!


all the best



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Thanks for the prompt replies.


The matter of weight doesn't bother me too much as I am used to carrying a failry heavy trap gun during DTL/clay pigeon outings.


The scope on the other hand - well, I haven't a clue as to what size of scope or reticule I should choose. My budget may extend to £60

Hello mate ive just bought a new scope halk 3x10x44 nite eye i paid £60 im well impressed with it i had one of these big bushnell 6x24x50 on my s400 well over the top for what i want, just keep it simple mate and happy hunting

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Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the forum and also new to hunting with an air rifle. I'm hoping to buy a new air rifle for vermin/pest control and popping a few bunnies.


I have a notion to buy a Weihrauch HW97K with as yet, an un-chosen scope. Can you experts advise me if the rifle is a good choice and what scope would be best suited to the task?


Or indeed, what you would recommend as an alternative.


Many thanks.


Good choice, excellent gun for pest control :gunsmilie:

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The scope on the other hand - well, I haven't a clue as to what size of scope or reticule I should choose. My budget may extend to £60

It'll all go down to personal choice and how much you want to spend. Have a look at the online catalogues from the likes of J.S. Ramsbottom and Blackpool Air Rifles. They're very easy to navigate and Blackpool's has pictures. Most people will have a favourite but it's like everything else... it comes down to personal opinion. For example Nikko Stirling scopes can be had for as little as £25 and are adequate for the job but spend as much as you can justify.


Don't forget to budget for scope mounts. They'll cost around £15 for something decent.


Also avoid eBay. This is my personal opinion but eBay doesn't have a returns policy, of the more reputable mail order businesses. Also you have the option to see what you're buying, if you go to the gun shop. eBay is mine field when it comes to shooting accessories. I've heard an equal number of good and bad experiences. You want to be out shooting, not f***ing around waiting for some keyboard jockey to sort out your gear. :D

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