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hi all,someone told me of this site a year ago,and as on aol,had problems joining,and just hadn"t had time to persevere since. Anyhow,i"m here.Cumbye...well i don"t keep sheepdogs,but when trying to put in a name,everything i seemed to type in was taken,and i thought feck me i might have well kept sheepdogs,"cumbye came into my head and it looks like its here to stay...

What i do keep is terriers and lurchers,and a strong dog,love my hunting and have been in hunt service for 15 yrs bar one.

Look forward to getting to know all you lovely people

catch ya soon

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Welcome to the site and hope you find it as useful as I have.


Check out the Wildlife photo section, there are always some stunning pictures there.


Good hunting!

Thanks gimli,will do

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Hi there cumbye!! I registered today also, had the same difficulty finding a name...was going to go with "away to me" the opposite to cumbye being a welshman!! Settled with Jayjay, how original as my name is Jason. Welcome, look forward to sharing our hunting interests!

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