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Why I Use A 'Brita' Water Filter

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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You should see the water that comes out of the tap at my parents house in the country. It is boggy red with dirt and live bugs. Many a time I have found sticks, leaves, water beetles, worms, shrimp, and leaches in the water. Beleive it or not I used to drink this. I would still prefer it to the chlorinated piss that comes out of the tap in town. You need to have a strong stomach for the bog water. If you are not local you can easily end up in hospital with echoli and compilo bactor. :icon_eek:

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thats pretty bad, looks like you took a picture of the glass on an old tv set!


i once lived in a place where the water was red. you didnt dare jump in the shower until the water had a chance to run for five minutes to get the rust clear... and even then there was no promise it wouldnt randomly spew red during the shower.... oh it was a horrible place to live...

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i HATE soft water.... never felt like i was rinsing all the soap off in the shower. always felt slimy and tasted funny while drinking it.


hard to find a happy-in-between.....

we have city water piped in.. which means chlorine and fluoride has been added to it.. and God only knows what else.

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