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knife crime madness!

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yet again the media has gone hysterical on knives,this time its kitchen knives the preferred weapon of the hoodie.we all know that 99% of knife killings are with a kitchen knife.again we see a government knee-jerk reaction to the media,on BBC radio 2 tonight there was an academic who is calling for the banning of all pointed kitchen knives!!! according to this chap all that is needed on a knife is a sharp blade.


now excuse me! i haven't gained a doctorate in criminology ,but has this guy ever tried filleting a fish with no point? or maybe boned out some meat? or scored a pork joint for great crackling?

this guy is a tosser.how will this be enforced? will old bill have the authority to enter yer home and have a nose in the cutlery drawer??


let us all beseech the almighty that hoodies dont start carrying cork screws or steak knives or were all buggered!

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Guest bullterrier

i know what you mean mate i seen some lads buying knifes similar as the ones you shown but smaller 99 pence in the asda the asda wasnt interested when told them at there customer service desk. :thumbs: ....john

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with no pointed knifes we'll be FORKED!!!!!!!!!!!!


it gets worse ..this country.


how the f**k does that idiot think people get slashed...........a knifes a knife pointed or not...........juat f*****g numb without a point!!!!!!!!!!






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Typical of the liberal bunch of tossers that this country looks to for advice these days. Has it occurred to this numskull that it's the t**t wielding the knife that needs sorting, not the knife itself?

How the hell would you police something like that? I've probably got 10-12 knifes with points on in the kitchen draw, multiply that by however many houses there are in the uk, and you've got yourself a shitload of knifes!

One of the most annoying things about it is, that prat is probably being paid a lot of money to come out with shite like that.

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