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spring watch

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kate humble certanly puts the watch in springwatch ! simon king is watchable his knowledge of wildlife is 2nd to none , the wild cat footage is exellent , as for the other little fecker his surname sums him up !

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anyone see the One Show tonight they where watching deer and then she saw a pair of


foxes did anyone think that one of them had mange Might be wrong but the tail looked like it had no hair

missed it tonight but the bird who presents tht with the fat bloke is worth a wallop to :whistling:

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Had a mate round the other day with his girlfriend who was the Manager Of Pensthorpe up until a few months ago, His girlfriend still works there and reckons that Oddie totaly blanked her on every occasion they crossed paths....


Pensthorpe is a cracking place and only the few miles from here and great for the kids, a few years ago they was getting complaints from some of the public that when they was feeding the ducklings something was taking them under the water pretty regular, they brought in a guy to fish the lakes for pike on a few occasion catching some nice average Pike until he finally pulled out a 27lb Monster.....



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Oddie wants a rocket up his arse, the man's a cu*t! That was the final straw last year when he advised any watching Mink to commit suicide. The discussion was about the lack of Water Voles and the reason....Mink! Rather than admit to getting the feckers trapped and shot he advised them to commit suicide. The man's a knob.

That Kate Humble is worth one and if I got at her she wouldn't walk for a week, but to call young Blue Tits in the nest box, "babies" meant me turning the tv over. Could you imagine Attenborough using a term like that? Anthropomorphic softies.

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i see spring watch has started again, has anybody been watching it, if so whats your thoughts about it .?


Actually dont mind it some good footage of our native wildlife...might ask him to film me lamping

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