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Well I have gone and done it

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Well after years of dithering ,I have finally signed up for the DSC1 course .I know probably hundreds of you on

here have alredy done it, but at 56 years of age I thought I might be a little to old to start going back to school ??

So my question is what do most people think of the course,and is it a lot of class work,and are there any tips.?? :icon_redface:

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I did DSC1 last year at age 51!


Being relatively new to deer stalking, I found it valuable, particularly the ecology, diseases etc sections.


Tips-wise, if you haven't already got it, get hold of the Deer Quest CD ROM of the basic questions, and practice - although a lot of it is common sense, some of the correct answers are not quite what you would expect!


When I did the course, Deer Quest hadn't been updated to include the new meat hygiene etc sections (don't know if it has been yet???), so I did a load of reading up and came up with an MS Excel based version of the hygiene section answers, to practice on. Can't be 100% certain that all of the answers I selected as being correct are actually correct, but it got me through with flying colours on the questions I was asked!


If anyone is interested in my Excel version of the hygiene section, PM me.


I have heard various people say that a high percentage of the failures are on the shooting tests, so if necessary practice your prone, sitting/kneeling and standing shooting, with sticks / bipods.


Best wishes and good luck.



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I did my DSC1 a couple of months ago and echo what has been said.


Get the deer quest CD, it is not 100% up to date on the current legislation but is a great tool to test your knowledge and revise.


Read the manual cover to cover a couple of times at least.


Watch the BDS DVD and also consider getting a set of the disease ID cards, these will come in useful later too.


For the shooting test there is only one way to make sure you pass, practice. If you dont regularly shoot off sticks do so a few times at the ranges required by the test. The people on my course found this the hardest part, having an audience does not help much either!


For the safety taes, take your time and think about every more you make, double check yourself and you will be fine, they wont rush you.


The key is to listen to the instructors, they want you to pass and will help you and point you in the right direction.


It is a great weekend, did mine in Dunfries with Ronald Rose, you will learn a lot, it is fun and it is great to get the certificate through in the post.



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  177LANDY said:
Thanks for all the input lads it has been great,where will I get the disease ID cards from??


Hi Landy


The British Deer Society should be able to provide you with the cards - have a look on their website www.bds.org.uk - a very useful website.





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