Matt 160 Posted May 29, 2008 Report Share Posted May 29, 2008 The problem with the Krebbs Trial was that the SOP (Standard Operating Procedures) that were enforced by the ISG (Independent Scientific Group) were too prescriptive. For example, if you had a sett in which you estimated five badgers where living, you had to set at least ten traps (two traps for every badger you expected to catch). You were also expected to keep all traps 'within a reasonable distance' of the sett you were trapping. All that means that you took a load of quality trappers (OK, and a few dickheads) and insisted that they used no common sense whatsoever and stuck to a rule book that was designed and written by some scientists and politicians. All trapping operations were also publicised, and setts were well known and their locations well documented, and the antis had a well co-ordinated campaign to disrupt the trapping operations. The traps themselves were simple, and extremely successful, especially the MK2 versions...... but that's another story. There is no way that terriers will ever be legally allowed to be used to control badgers again. No matter how effective we might think it is as a method, there is no public or political appetite for that method. Gassing will never be used again after an infamous video recording of badgers being gassed underground was shown to a parliamentary select committee. If there is another cull (which there should be, IMHO) it will be carried out by skilled professionals, and the most likely method is cage trapping. Lamping could be considered in some cases, but I feel it is unlikely to be used. Don't forget, this is not about what is the best method - but the most politically acceptable and the least publicly unacceptable. Quote Link to post
Neil Cooney. 1 Posted May 30, 2008 Report Share Posted May 30, 2008 Is it possible to get insurance for lamping in GB. If not would that put lamping out of the question. Quote Link to post
zig zag wanderer 0 Posted May 30, 2008 Report Share Posted May 30, 2008 Neil, If you are a business everyone will expect you to have insurance. If you lamp for sport probably not. What's the difference? I suggest you hit the target and nothing but the target, then you won't need insurance Quote Link to post
Neil Cooney. 1 Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 You'll need insurance if your operating under a govt. agency. Here in Ireland it's impossible to get insurance for lamping hence the N.A.R.G.C. won't recognise lamping. Most lampers IMO wouldn't have a chance of employment if it was known what goes on at night. It's turned into a cowboys night out IMO. But here's one for you, a lot of you's would of heard of the proposed motorway being made near the famous Hill of Tara. Any badger settes lieing in the path of the new road are having their occupants trapped and rehomed in new man made badger settes else where. All at the expence of the tax payer. I know for a fact within 5 or 6 miles of this road the Govt. cowboys snarers are culling badgers, again at the expence of the tax payer.?????????? Quote Link to post
Corky(amateur) 0 Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 I was out shooting the other night and saw a baby badger running down the headgeline. walked that way later on and there was two adults with 5 young. first time i've seen badgers that close and alive! is a shame to cull them but to be honest they are a pest in any numbers. they can be very viscious, attacking cattle and ruining copses. my friend has watched as one killed a lamb?!(he thought it was foxes so he sat out with the lamp, he was suprised to say the least). rimfire or digging is the most humane option in my opinion. Quote Link to post
Guest friedrice Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 However they do it, the correct way will be explained to their own guys. They'll not legalise the general public to touch badgers. No need to concern yeself. but the correct way aint told to their own guys ditch. testing for tb have gone on for years near me,and to be honest the trappers aint a clue about wild life, just contractors thats all who bait a trap with a few nuts. the foot and mouth thing had the same contractors in the job then,and again nothing to do with what they knew more of the case of your son dateing the local ministry vets daughter sort of thing ? and some made silly money out of that foot and mouth, and that i do know...friends of mine who i would say are thick as shit phone me to see if i wold cut the grass in theyre gardens now, made loads out of it, but ive got the pride to tell them to f**k off,even if i get no money for a week or two. you'll never make money by being honest Quote Link to post
Matt 160 Posted May 31, 2008 Report Share Posted May 31, 2008 However they do it, the correct way will be explained to their own guys. They'll not legalise the general public to touch badgers. No need to concern yeself. but the correct way aint told to their own guys ditch. testing for tb have gone on for years near me,and to be honest the trappers aint a clue about wild life, just contractors thats all who bait a trap with a few nuts. the foot and mouth thing had the same contractors in the job then,and again nothing to do with what they knew more of the case of your son dateing the local ministry vets daughter sort of thing ? and some made silly money out of that foot and mouth, and that i do know...friends of mine who i would say are thick as shit phone me to see if i wold cut the grass in theyre gardens now, made loads out of it, but ive got the pride to tell them to f**k off,even if i get no money for a week or two. you'll never make money by being honest I've never read such a load of crap. You seem to have a very strange view of a group of people who I worked with and respected alot. As for FMD, the ministry employees were not the ones making the money. If I'd jacked in at the start and gone as a contractor I'd have made ten times more money for half the effort. You may have met a rogue and now you are tarring all of the wildlife units with the same brush. Quote Link to post
Guest friedrice Posted June 1, 2008 Report Share Posted June 1, 2008 However they do it, the correct way will be explained to their own guys. They'll not legalise the general public to touch badgers. No need to concern yeself. but the correct way aint told to their own guys ditch. testing for tb have gone on for years near me,and to be honest the trappers aint a clue about wild life, just contractors thats all who bait a trap with a few nuts. the foot and mouth thing had the same contractors in the job then,and again nothing to do with what they knew more of the case of your son dateing the local ministry vets daughter sort of thing ? and some made silly money out of that foot and mouth, and that i do know...friends of mine who i would say are thick as shit phone me to see if i wold cut the grass in theyre gardens now, made loads out of it, but ive got the pride to tell them to f**k off,even if i get no money for a week or two. you'll never make money by being honest I've never read such a load of crap. You seem to have a very strange view of a group of people who I worked with and respected alot. As for FMD, the ministry employees were not the ones making the money. If I'd jacked in at the start and gone as a contractor I'd have made ten times more money for half the effort. You may have met a rogue and now you are tarring all of the wildlife units with the same brush. dont tell me the employes dident make no money out of the foot and mouth. most were contractors for defra. and a man i know went from unimployed to having forty men working for him with twnty plus houses out on rent numerous bussinesses,goverment contracts under his belt, and was talked about on the tv. so crap it aint mate,maybe you read the crap they want you to read. another man i know cage trapped for defra,to so dont give me that shit Quote Link to post
Matt 160 Posted June 1, 2008 Report Share Posted June 1, 2008 What I know about the Ministry Wildlife Units and FMD is based on my experiences NOT from reading crap. Some of the wildlife unit members made good money - but only by working hard. I worked 122 hours in one week doing the most difficult work wiping out farms; so please don't try telling me you know more about what happened than I do. You are right that some contractors made huge sums of money - but that was contractors NOT ministry employees. I suggest you think before you post. Quote Link to post
Holdaway 2 Posted June 1, 2008 Report Share Posted June 1, 2008 Deep breaths guys. Some people will always make a pile of money from a bad situation, take the cash and run has always been the cowboys way. I know nothing about who did what and when, but I am sure the man at the bottom who did the graft got the least. It's always the way. H Quote Link to post
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