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Wrong section maybe ? but a very pretty fish.

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Didn't know if I should put this in fishing section but sooooo pretty! Walking the dogs on land owned by a friend .Came round corner to find two very sheepish lads fishing the farm pond. Some fishing is allowed but the owner rigerously enforces the old Close Season .So fishing in the Close Season ,without permission on land designated an SSI.They were polite lads, suitably apologetic,there was no litter.So what did I do?....Told em to carry-on just for the evening but get permisssion before coming back....On the understanding they let me photogragh this golden tench they'd caught....


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Lovely fish. I have caught a few myself over the years. Allegedly, in time the "golden" colour breeds out of them and eventually the green usual colour becomes dominant.....nice piccy

It might be true that the offspring revert to green after a few generations.Would certainly make sense considering that one would've thought that the few golden ones must be at risk of being geneticly overpowered by the green genes.That's even before considering vulnerability to predators. About thirty years ago I saw a tiny golden tench caught from this pond .The lads who caught the old girl in the picture reckoned she was 4lb s but I'd say more like two n half to three.A good size for the pond though.Difficult to say if she was some sort of throw-back to Victorian times when the ponds were part of a more formal landscape of she 'd been dumped in recent years from an aquarists tank or pond.If she was dumped she'd ve had to have been a good size because any small ,naive, tame fish would 've been snapped up by one of the pond's jack-pike that sometimes make ...all of three pounds.

Edited by comanche
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