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Guest olofthegr8

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If you feel you want to bred them fine you might end up with a odd poley and a albino and a load of sandies from that mating .If your not happy breeding then use a snipped hob

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As long as you dont mind what colour the kits will end up being then its no more risky than breeding two the same.


I beg to differ on that one,


... go on then...


because you would'ent want to breed silver to silver, but then, thats just mine, and a few others views, theres a massive post if you do a search on the pro's and con's, of breeding two reccessive colours together

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I totally agree with stubby about silvers/DEWs, but there shouldn't be a problem with genetically robust types like poleys or Albinos.

You still won't be able to guarantee what colours you get though...

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i have an albino white and a polecat

is it ok to mate them together???


The risks are the same as if you were breeding two polecat coloured together (or two albinos) and those risks have nothing to do with the colours!


You will (if your polecat coloured is true polecat coloured) get only polecat coloured kits. However, if your polecat carries the albino gene (you won't know by looking at it) then you'll get albino kits too (mathmatically 50% of the kits, but mathmatics and nature don't work in the same way).


Good luck with the kits if you do breed.



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Bigredbusa: That's interesting, because it means that your polecat marked must carry an albino gene (or it wouldn't have thrown albinos) which leads us to the reasoning that it also holds a mutated polecat gene!


Genetics - fascinating eh? And something which cannot be simplified as it really is more involved than rocket science ;)

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Guest bigredbusa

yep crow you just lost me ( not hard mind ) :) , i see what you mean but there must of been a chance of 50 50 anyway ? not sure of the back ground of the jill but i wouldnt be surprised if she had albino in her somewhere

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