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trapped nerve , hope i dont get any big digs :)

Guest bigredbusa

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Guest bigredbusa

i trapped a nerve in my lower back in november at work and it is still playing me up , i just got a letter from a specialist and get this £170 just for a consulatation !!!!

luckly the firm are paying for it as it was the slap dash attitude to h&s that done it .


bit pee'd off as i wanted it sorted for the new season, ive been using a 3 strap back support but it cuts into my gut .


anyone recommend a good support and can anyone recommend anyone who wants to do all my digging this year :) lmao

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i trapped a nerve in my lower back in november at work and it is still playing me up , i just got a letter from a specialist and get this £170 just for a consulatation !!!!

luckly the firm are paying for it as it was the slap dash attitude to h&s that done it .


bit pee'd off as i wanted it sorted for the new season, ive been using a 3 strap back support but it cuts into my gut .


anyone recommend a good support and can anyone recommend anyone who wants to do all my digging this year :) lmao


just been talking to an imigrant................he says the best type of support is the social !!!!!!!!!!!!!




joking apart mate.................nowt worse............hope you get sorted soon mate!!!!!


all the best



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For work get yaself a thick weighlifting belt mate and wear it as tight as you can manage.......as for knocking about the house a support will be fine.....stretching will help....but sciatica is a long lasting problem unfortunately that crops up when least expected.....ask my mrs :icon_redface: .....best of luck with it i wouldnt wish it on anyone.

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You poor sod. I trapped my sciatic nerve a couple of years ago and have had back trouble on and off ever since. Most recently I was sat fixing a gate and reached forward (by no means over stretching) and it went. Another time leaning over the basin brushing my teeth. Diggin will be the least of your worries. Its the times like these when its least expected that will really get you cursing

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dont worry about the digging mines been bad for ages now,when im working its fine as i can be carefull but as spade says the b*****d sneaks up on you,just bending down, turning,or any normal day to day jobs can set it off, i was told that a belt could make it worse as it is supporting it therefore making it weak but i suppose its up to the individual,basically its knackered and there is nothing that can be done (sorry)

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Its also worth keeping in mind that strong stomach muscles can be of great help to a weak back....posture is also important....my problems came from a lot of powerlifting as a younger man,but like hard digging,it doesnt always cause problems at the time of intense effort,more often than not it creeps up a few days later.....some people are just blessed with strong backs,and some of us are not.....still say a good quality lifting belt will help.

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Guest bigredbusa

yep the physio has said to do swimming and sit ups / crunches for the stomach etc... , started mountain biking again and im fine going over terrain but it's the road work that sets it off again . i just need to find a happy medium

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Aren't you in a state? Wrist support, back support ..... the sofa isn't going to make that back any better :laugh:


A weight lifting belt is meant to be really helpful, although I've never tried one. I've had a bad back and sciatica on and off for 17 years but something tells me a weight belt wouldn't be very fetching on me.


Get one of those inflatable exercise balls. They're perfect for getting your tummy in order. Also good to sit on - you know, while you're sat in front of the tele - it'll help your posture and strengthen your core muscles. Plus they make stretching your back easier, or so I've found.


Whatever you do keep moving. Laying around like a lazy git will make it worse! But then you probably know that already :tongue2:

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Guest bigredbusa

seeing one on the 9th max :) going private as i dont want it to drag on.


and as for you lurchergirl my wrist is fine now thanks lol , the sofa is harder then the bed so suits me fine :)


max can i ask how your back is like now as that is a bit of serious back surgery

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