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alright all, a quick question aswell where do you stand if you have a couple of previous convictions when you was that bit younger where do you stand trying for a SGC? whats involved trying to get one ? cheers T 7

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If you want to obtain an SGC then you will need to fill in the required forms which you can get from your Police Force's Firearms Dept or on the net, try here http://www.basc.org.uk/content/certificate_application_f

Once you have filled these in, got your countersignatory to sign them and your photos you can send them off with £50.

Then you will need to install security, a cabinet is the most common and widely accepted, one that is British Standard is foolproof.

The Firearms Dept will then send someone to visit you at home to check your security and have a chat about your reasons and your experience.

If all goes well, you should have your certificate soon after the visit.

As you are 16, you cannot buy guns or ammo until you are 17 but you can still be given a gun and ammo, and use them without supervision.


Tiny 7,

Depending on the nature of the convictions and how long has elapsed, will be the deciding factors. If they are minor and not violent in nature then in most cases and SGC can be obtained. An FAC is a different matter and harder to obtain with convictions.




SS :thumbs:

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there is obviously a certain element of interpretation regarding pre-convictions....but these are law


you are Prohibited from ever owning a firearm (and shotgun) if you were convicted and sentenced to more than 3 years prison (not what you served-what you were sentenced to) and you are probihited for 5 years if you were sentenced to between 3 months and 3 years prison (the 5 years runs from date of release)


obviously 3 years or more would have to be serious offences!

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