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how much is enough

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Living within your means is all about prioritising. You have to draw up a list of everything you spend money on and be totally honest about how much you spend and on what. Then you have to take a long hard look at where your going wrong and take steps to cut back or cut out certain types of spending. I always make sure I have money in my account for direct debits to pay the basics, phone, leccy etc and then next after that comes the dogs, as long as they are well fed and watered each day I am happy. Whatevers left over goes on me. Its much harder to budget when your a couple or you have kids etc, you have to prioritise differently with the kids coming first, then the dogs and yourself last. I would say do whatever makes you happy in life, if you can find a job that you enjoy and you can live on the money thats better than doing a job you hate and coming home stressed or pissed off every day, even if you do have more money at the end of it :thumbs:


I think the biggest killer is borrowing for the little luxurys , by the time your wages have gon in the bank most off it goes on paying for the 2 weeks you had abroard 3 yrs ago,


We have to make sure theres food on the table first , kids dont need toys & clobber brought on a weekly basis , i agree you have to pay the utility bills & rent / morgage first , then if theres some left over yes treat the family or yourself :thumbs:

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Rabbithunter,the more you earn the more you spend,you live up to your means,or most people do anyway,the more expendable income you find yourself with,the more new toys you suddenly find you want/need :thumbs:



That about sums it up.

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Rabbithunter,the more you earn the more you spend,you live up to your means,or most people do anyway,the more expendable income you find yourself with,the more new toys you suddenly find you want/need :thumbs:



That about sums it up.

I've worked bloody hard for over 30 years. Kids grown up and moved out. Mortgage almost paid. Own 2 businesses (well me and the bank)

Why shouldn't I have a few toys? Haven't had a (proper) holiday for 3 years and work 10-15 hours a day 6 days a week.

Each to their own. Cheers, D.

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i work in the printing trade and earn decent money.i could double my wages every week by doing extra hours but i choose not to because i want to spend time with my mrs and kids.as they say,you are a long time dead so enjoy life whilst you can.on top of that i only have to work 13 shifts a month which is great for winter time with the dogs and hounds.

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Guest bullyboy1976

you could easily bump up your income by doin a few homers...my mates a sparky and he gets 150 in weekend just for silly jobs that take an hour to do.....get your name in classifieds paper....take new job too...imo

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