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Military "Style" Air Rifles...

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"To bring the relevance to airguns, does the presence of the Gunpower Stealth and the Logun S-16, to name a couple, effect the way airgunners are perceived by the non-shooting public?"



i think that anyone thats not familiar with whats available on the market is going to have concerns with anything they see.


for instance...................a bolt action, multi-shot rifle....that dosn't need breaking, with the sound of a stretching spring............it cant possibly be an air rifle..........can it????????????


we all know the answer is yes!!!!!!!!


but mr and mrs general public are not aware of their availability................so when witnessed in the hands of someone wearing camo...........panic sets in!!!


they understand the basics of airgunning.......................but they cost about £20 and are carried by scruffy teenagers...........aren't they??????????


so imagine their horror when they see a gun that resembles somthing they last saw on the 10 'o'clock news, being carried by someone wearing camo, in iraq of afghanistan.


so the point is...............camo/military style gun = TERRORIST!!!!!!!!!!!!


i think they look really nice............but wouldn't own one for the above reason.


my traditional looking rifle...............dosn't resemble what the poorly informed general public would consider being a traditional air rifle!!!


it s called progress ( in manufacturing) but i think the way airgunners a perceived is going in a completely different direction...............not helped by the fecking media.


this is just my opinion..............





Edited by SEAN3513
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  SEAN3513 said:
"To bring the relevance to airguns, does the presence of the Gunpower Stealth and the Logun S-16, to name a couple, effect the way airgunners are perceived by the non-shooting public?"



i think that anyone thats not familiar with whats available on the market is going to have concerns with anything they see.


for instance...................a bolt action, multi-shot rifle....that dosn't need breaking, with the sound of a stretching spring............it cant possibly be an air rifle..........can it????????????


we all know the answer is yes!!!!!!!!


but mr and mrs general public are not aware of their availability................so when witnessed in the hands of someone wearing camo...........panic sets in!!!


they understand the basics of airgunning.......................but they cost about £20 and are carried by scruffy teenagers...........aren't they??????????


so imagine their horror when they see a gun that resembles somthing they last saw on the 10 'o'clock news, being carried by someone wearing camo, in iraq of afghanistan.


so the point is...............camo/military style gun = TERRORIST!!!!!!!!!!!!


i think they look really nice............but wouldn't own one for the above reason.


my traditional looking rifle...............dosn't resemble what the poorly informed general public would consider being a traditional air rifle!!!


it s called progress ( in manufacturing) but i think the way airgunners a perceived is going in a completely different direction...............not helped by the fecking media.


this is just my opinion..............





Lads it doesn't mater what your rifle looks like, if some busybody wants to call the bill they will.


Example. Out ferreting one Sunday morning,full permission along a public footpath 3 of us, people walked past now and then very polite (good morning lovely day all the sh*te) 1 1/2 hrs of being there we where surrounded by an armed response unit.

Someone had called the bill saying we had shotguns.After standing with our hands in the air while they looked for said guns rabbits running every which way,was not a pleasant exspearance.


Word of warning.....if you are out shooting in camo gear or otherwise and challenged by police get your arms in the air, stand very still,do what you are told.I wouldn't say our boys in blue are trigger happy but why risk it.


Good hunting P1

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I cant answer for other folk but ive had a few of these types of air rifles and i like them.During the summer months when the dogs are at rest i do a fair bit of pest control with air rifles to keep the meat levels up for the dogs and ferrets in the freezer,so i dont buy a rifle to stand back and admire the luxurious grain on its wood...no i want a tool where if it takes a knock or two and im not cringing at another scratch on the stock or blueing,i also like other folk like the fact they can be packed away discreetly into a wee ruc-sack,not because im a willow o the wisp poacher type...no,some of the permision i have is in walking distance to the village i live in,so i can leave the car and walk there without being wary of prying eyes on me like if i was carring a full size rifle in a slip.


You could argue that Stealths,s16,s and the rifle i used last summer with good results the enigma in .177 are maybe not up there with a nice Air Arms or Thoeben but to put the meat in the bag the shooter is just as important as the equipment and i can say after using a couple of stealths and the above gun mentioned earlier these rifles are more than capable of despatching grey squirrels,rabbits and pigeons consistantly in the right hands....so for these reasons they will do for me :thumbs:

Edited by gaz
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  bigredbusa said:
yeah i know im a fool lol but i would sell one and then realise how much i enjoyed them . nice and short to shoot from the motor and you can change the way they look , i think i just like playing around with em .


this was modded to hell / high flow valve , heavy hammer , longer barrel, saks silencer,800cc bottle, uprated spring etc.... the rifle itself cost me £70 as it was tatty and only cost me £150 for the bits so worked out to be a cheap gun


like i said tho im quite taken by the thumbhole AA 410 so that will be my next rifle for daytime hunting but intend to keep a stealth for my night time walks :)

I can see what you mean, with regard to price. Something cheap to work on, if you have the skills, can be great especially if you're into restoring rifles but I still don't understand what the attraction is for these particular rifle.


It can't be comfort because of the design. It can't be just power because there are better rifles available for the purpose. Discretion seems to be a popular reason but when these rifles are actually put together they become the anti-thesis. They're discreet in a small bag but they attract varying degrees of attention when they're put together. They shoot no better than any other PCP so what causes people to buy these things in the quantities they do?


I've shot numerous rifles over the years and I've been in a privileged position to test some of the gear available in the industry... I know alot of people are after a functional gun. Same here. I don't buy a rifle based on what it looks like. I base my decisions on function. I'm certainly not a gun snob and I wouldn't look down one someone because they have a cheap rifle. I'd rather a gun was used for it's intended purpose rather than sat in a poncy cabinet for anoraks to wank over...


I just don't get why people would go for these style of guns. There are lighter, more discreet, more accurate, better engineered and most importantly cheaper rifles available. I can understand what Busa said, if they're offered at a cheap enough price and you like working on such rifles, fair enough. You need something functional and one arrives, at a price you can justify, again fair enough. But these things fly off the shelves new. People pay alot of money for them and they're also showing up in the second hand market in varying degrees of conditioning.


Members of the public see these rifles and immediately think the owner is carrying something illegal. As shooters it's our job to present ourselves to the public and educate them. It's not their job to come to us. I do think these rifles harm us in this way as I can find nothing, other than styling, that would make people want to buy these rifles. Most people can relate to a traditional looking air rifle. As Sean said most people look at the military style rifles and think just that.


We're living in a time where the current government are looking, once again, at restricting the freedoms of legal shooters. We're an easy target and with some of the gear available we appear to be moving away from legitimate sporting and vermin control activities into the arena of soldier wannabes complete with camo and DPM bandanas.


When people look back to Hungerford they think in keywords. Like Survivalist. Gun Nut. Camouflage. Machine Gun. Loner. Social Exclusion. Everyone looks to various people and draws stereotypes. While this isn't healthy the shooting community is in danger of presenting itself with the above keywords. I've lost count of the times I've seen some drunken idiot, dressed head to toe in Realtree, hitting on the female staff at the air gun stands. I've seen it all across the country and I'm sure I'm not alone in this.


I think the point I'm trying to make, which has taken far too much typing, is would these rifles be so popular if they were painted in hi visibility orange? If so who would buy them? Probably the people that really need them and those that love function over appearances.


  BSAScorpionT10 said:
Hi guys?


Would you say my rifle is in that type of classification?


does this matter? or do you think this is personal oppinion?

It's all about personal opinion. I have nothing against synthetic stocks at all. Infact with quality walnut, so scarce, it's a reasonable alternative. I'm certainly not trying to influence people's choice of rifle. I just don't see what the attraction is. There is much better available so what is the lure to these take down, unconventional looking, bits of kit?

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I own both types of rifle traditional and milatry and I can honestly say when I've been out with the milatry styled rifle (Logun S16s) I've had some strange looks from passers by when they have seen it slung across my shoulder. Some of our shooting permission boarders a public footpath which is used by walkers and sometimes we pass them on our land on the way to a shoot and in the past I have been stopped by people who are curious what type of gun it is and when they are told "It's a air rifle" most are suprised so I can see the reasons behind this post. As for the question "what drew me towards this type of rifle" simply I just fancied a change from the norm.







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hello chris, just posted a topic "another garage find".................i found some late 70's early 80's airgun world mags.


suprising how popular military style rifle was back then.


crossman m1 carbine


asi paratrooper


the jackal....AR7...HI-POWER and the PARABELLUM


panther ro77


to name a few


seems they've always been around.................perhaps more military like now in PCP????


thought it may be of interest





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  leeclackster said:
my thoughts are that militry rifles are shite. Chris i like a rifle with a bit of style' these rifle's that look like the realdeal just give people the wrong idea. Anyway the s16 is crap cant comment on the stealth not had one

logun s.16s are not crap.


i have a s.16s and i only bought this as a mate was selling it for 200 quid, so i bought it, my ideal choice would be aa2410 weirauch hw100 or theoban rapid 7, and these are not military looking,


as said it shouldnt matter what your rifle looks like if it is legally and safely used.


when i have been out i have had a few comments, but they were light hearted, for example "thats a mean looking machine" , "thats a beast of a thing, what is it"

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