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Ill Fert

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One of my jills as been a bit below par for a few days, very slow and not that interested in food. Seperated her and checked her yesterday, really slow and half a sleep dragging her rear along the deck.


She was covered by my hob three weeks ago, today she has a yellow discharge from her, all her rear-end is wet and mated, no kits to be seen.


Any ideas, ?



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my jill has also got a discharge, but she is eating and everything not being lazy or anything like that mate...

the vet said its nothing major but she needs an injection yours shouldjust be the same but not sure why she is acting lazy mate....

all the best,,



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  smudgersmith said:
One of my jills as been a bit below par for a few days, very slow and not that interested in food. Seperated her and checked her yesterday, really slow and half a sleep dragging her rear along the deck.


She was covered by my hob three weeks ago, today she has a yellow discharge from her, all her rear-end is wet and mated, no kits to be seen.


Any ideas, ?




Vet job mate possibly 2 days to late.good luck :icon_eek:

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  jazz_11 said:
my jill has also got a discharge, but she is eating and everything not being lazy or anything like that mate...

the vet said its nothing major but she needs an injection yours shouldjust be the same but not sure why she is acting lazy mate....

all the best,,





Smudgers jill could have something entirly different to your jill hence the differing symptoms :thumbs:

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yh. just saying what the vet said when i was there yesterday and in waiting room, they said its nothing major she just needs an injection she will be fine until tuesday

Edited by jazz_11
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Thanks for all your comments, before I went out with my terriers this morning I checked on her, sadly she was dead. I have cleaned out the court and box and will leave it a week or so.


The rear end of the fert was in a real mess, yellow discard and I think a spot of blood, a real shame as she was a hard working jill, and always happy to be handled.



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Guest bigredbusa

so probably the same as the other guy who lost a couple last week , mmm going to keep a closer eye on mine now . thanks for the update and i have a hob here if you want it

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  jazz_11 said:
my jill has also got a discharge, but she is eating and everything not being lazy or anything like that mate...

the vet said its nothing major but she needs an injection yours shouldjust be the same but not sure why she is acting lazy mate....

all the best,,





  jazz_11 said:
yh. just saying what the vet said when i was there yesterday and in waiting room, they said its nothing major she just needs an injection she will be fine until tuesday


no disrespect here jazz, but to me, nothing major, and, just needs an injection dont go together

I think this has proven a point, that ANYTHING, ANY COLOUR, seen oozing from the rear end of a ferret, should be checked out by a vet, maybe your green stuff, could turn yellow, if it was'ent for this "injection" thats needed

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  bigredbusa said:
by the sounds of it within 48 hrs they are dead , intrested to know what it was and as the vet has fecked up i would get them to find out what it was FOC


The vet saw Jazz's ferret, not Smudger's, and it was Smudger's ferret that died. Shame she wasn't taken to the vet - at the very least she could have been saved some suffering.

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Guest jojoamojo

its a pyometra, an infected womb, if ytou get a discharge that is not standard 'wet vulva' when they are in season you should get them to a vet for an emergency spay immediatley


they can be saved with a quick spay and good antibiotics, but you must act quickly

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  jojoamojo said:
its a pyometra, an infected womb, if ytou get a discharge that is not standard 'wet vulva' when they are in season you should get them to a vet for an emergency spay immediatley


they can be saved with a quick spay and good antibiotics, but you must act quickly


been there done that jojo had a jill who got a discharge took her straight to the vets she was spayed same day and is now a healthy ferret,

anyone not sure should seek vet advice luckily i knew what was wrong and acted accordingly.

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