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out with the CZ varmint

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Hi Richie

As a newcomer to rimfire, i'm concerned that you shoot down a hedge line, and the safety of this. After years of air rifle and shotgun use, i was horrified at the ricochet potential of the rimfire subsonics. Would welcome tour advice on this .... or shall i start a new topic???



yeah, i think you should start your own TOPIC instead of hijacking my thread with your safety concerns over my shooting.


& concidering theres fields as far as the eye can see on the other edge of the hedges ! or shall i shoot through them ? :duh:


never presume !


theres always a slight risk when letting off the shot, will the quarry move ? will it hit a stone ? will it pass through the quarry & hit a stone ? all we can do is minimise the risk by thinking ahead, but they will always be a risk..


dont question my safety & try & belittle me !


if your that concerned over your own shooting safety then i do suggest your start you own thread !

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Hi Richie

As a newcomer to rimfire, i'm concerned that you shoot down a hedge line, and the safety of this. After years of air rifle and shotgun use, i was horrified at the ricochet potential of the rimfire subsonics. Would welcome tour advice on this .... or shall i start a new topic???



yeah, i think you should start your own TOPIC instead of hijacking my thread with your safety concerns over my shooting.


& concidering theres fields as far as the eye can see on the other edge of the hedges ! or shall i shoot through them ? :duh:


never presume !


theres always a slight risk when letting off the shot, will the quarry move ? will it hit a stone ? will it pass through the quarry & hit a stone ? all we can do is minimise the risk by thinking ahead, but they will always be a risk..


dont question my safety & try & belittle me !


if your that concerned over your own shooting safety then i do suggest your start you own thread !


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My apologies, definitely not trying to belittle you or crticise safety! Just seeking some advice from the more experienced rimfire user! Once again, apologies and happy hunting!


Great topic too

Edited by Fidgety
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My apologies, definitely not trying to belittle you or crticise safety! Just seeking some advice from the more experienced rimfire user! Once again, apologies and happy hunting!


Great topic too



i woke up in a bad mood ! but your comments did come across as though you were critisising me... ... especially when you said your concerned that i shoot down a hedge line. maybe you worded it wrongly.


i dont know if im the right person to give advice, but when using a rimfire compared to an air rifle you have to be more aware of your surroundings at a further distance...


theres always a few things i check for before i start to shoot.


i always make sure i know my land by walking around & learning the lay out.


whats behind the hedge ?


wheres the nearest house or buildings ?


is there any public footpaths near by ?


is the area used by ramblers " aka tresspassers " ?


is the ground hard or stoney ?


is there livestock in the area / next field ?


is there a safe back stop if i miss my target ?


thats just some on a very long list.. as long as you have your head screwed on you should be alright. if you think there could be a risk, dont shoot !


good luck with your rimmy... :thumbs:

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Thanks Richie.

Very bad sentence construction on my part!

Just trying to get the measure of the superb CZ452. Thanks for the list - I have most of the hazards, but most annoying are the "Non locals" who think it is their right to jog/walk the dog anywhere they fancy!

Keep up the good posts and pictures!


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