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out with the CZ varmint

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a few shots out with the rimmy today....



ended up with 7 youngens in an hour or so, taken out between 60 & 100yrds.












swapped the day scope for the NV & spotted these two out at 90/100yrds & quickly managed to get a rough photo of them.




heres them two.






on the way back to the motor i took this one out at 70yrds with a side head shot, he went straight down.





the 3 i got with the nv.





not a big bag, but glad to go home with 10.

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Nice shooting mate, I too have a Varmint and I recon for the money they can't be beaten.

I'm interested to know if you have to check zero each time you change from day to night vision. I fancy an NV scope as I don't like the 'add on' type but like you I also need to use my Varmint for day work.


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Nice shooting mate, I too have a Varmint and I recon for the money they can't be beaten.

I'm interested to know if you have to check zero each time you change from day to night vision. I fancy an NV scope as I don't like the 'add on' type but like you I also need to use my Varmint for day work.





i use to own an add-on & it was a simple case of adding the monocular on the back in a couple of seconds when night time shooting was needed.


but what i do now is have a weaver rail attached to the rifle with weaver scope mounts attached to the day scope & dedicated NV unit. its just a matter of putting both of them back in the exact same slots on the rail each time i take either units off. you might have to do a slight adjustment up/down left/right which you should always do with any rifle before using it. a change over will take me less than a minute.


ill be putting a post up in the next week or so showing the two different ways i sight my NV unit in.



the CZ varmints are the nuts. some people say their good for a budget rifle at approx £270/280 ? but thats a reasonable price to pay for a bolt action rimmy.


ive never owned such an acurate rifle as my CZ. accurate, easy to clean down, even though not needed that often, never had a jam. they just shoot round after round.


i use a SAK moderator on it & the bunnies dont hear a thing especially when its attached to the bolt action.


i have a few rimmies, & the CZ is my favourite, especially when you see a group of bunnies out, after you take the first one the rest just look around, but i find when i use my rugers the bunnies seem to get more startled after the first shot, i put this down to the extra noise that comes from the semi action cycling. theres a big difference between the two actions.


the two above that i shot were taken one after another with the second one not even interested that his mate got it.



what subs do you use ?


i use ELEY subs & its bullet on bullet.



5 shots through the same hole less than a five pence piece..




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nice shooting mate :thumbs: one accurate rifle that is my cz does that so will agree with you there spot on :whistling:

what distance was that target at ?



only 25yrds.


i find if i sight into 55yrds " not for target shooting but for vemin " its basically the same within a 1/3 of an inch for 25yrds out to 85yrds.


all the ones i took yerterday were taken with one shot. theres only one thing the varmint is missing, a hogue stock, not the shitty synthetic type on the sillhoette but the one for the rugers.



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nice shooting mate :thumbs: one accurate rifle that is my cz does that so will agree with you there spot on :whistling:

what distance was that target at ?



only 25yrds.


i find if i sight into 55yrds " not for target shooting but for vemin " its basically the same within a 1/3 of an inch for 25yrds out to 85yrds.


all the ones i took yerterday were taken with one shot. theres only one thing the varmint is missing, a hogue stock, not the shitty synthetic type on the sillhoette but the one for the rugers.




i set mine at 60 yards mate i have the synthetic stock and find it of but i would like a wild dog stock but dont fancy paying that sort of money for it :laugh:

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nice shooting mate :thumbs: one accurate rifle that is my cz does that so will agree with you there spot on :whistling:

what distance was that target at ?



only 25yrds.


i find if i sight into 55yrds " not for target shooting but for vemin " its basically the same within a 1/3 of an inch for 25yrds out to 85yrds.


all the ones i took yerterday were taken with one shot. theres only one thing the varmint is missing, a hogue stock, not the shitty synthetic type on the sillhoette but the one for the rugers.




i set mine at 60 yards mate i have the synthetic stock and find it of but i would like a wild dog stock but dont fancy paying that sort of money for it :laugh:


a wild dog stock ? do you have a link to it ?




edited: just found it.





they look good...

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nice shooting mate :thumbs: one accurate rifle that is my cz does that so will agree with you there spot on :whistling:

what distance was that target at ?



only 25yrds.


i find if i sight into 55yrds " not for target shooting but for vemin " its basically the same within a 1/3 of an inch for 25yrds out to 85yrds.


all the ones i took yerterday were taken with one shot. theres only one thing the varmint is missing, a hogue stock, not the shitty synthetic type on the sillhoette but the one for the rugers.




i set mine at 60 yards mate i have the synthetic stock and find it of but i would like a wild dog stock but dont fancy paying that sort of money for it :laugh:


a wild dog stock ? do you have a link to it ?




edited: just found it.





they look good...


they do look good rich but i wouldnt spend that kind of money on one. i dont use my 22lr as much anymore shame really as i like it as its slint and cheap to run. but i allways go for the hmr i guess its because the fields on my shoot are longish so the extra range of the hmr helps in the day :)

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Good going :)


What's your NV setup?



hi logic


this is the unit i use. its the hypergen version.


cost £2250 & worth every penny.





Lotta money, but does look good :)




it is a lot of money, but not for the quality of the unit.



to be honest, that picture i took above looks shite compared with what the actual view is like through the scope.



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Hi Richie

As a newcomer to rimfire, i'm concerned that you shoot down a hedge line, and the safety of this. After years of air rifle and shotgun use, i was horrified at the ricochet potential of the rimfire subsonics. Would welcome tour advice on this .... or shall i start a new topic???

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