The one 8,522 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 Everybody must have know this topic would cause a heated debate though Link to post
whin 463 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 haveing ferrets longer than some of you twats have been born and worked them for near enough three decades as a full time rabbit catcher poaching legal hunting etc, use dribble more piss than a leaking woman nothing against woman in general or females full stop as i have had a good few , if you breed to work as i do i make sure i plan a litter long before i breed and as i thoughroly test my ferrets i find not a problem to get WORKING homes , if you kill any animal do it quick either in a bag whack it with shovel etc i hate killing my own working animals , but well it sometimes happens and well life goes on but please dinlos keep this channel for people who work animals like my mining forefathers etc etc irish forefathers who had grews ferrets these channels are realy piss i wonder how manybreal deal genuine hunting peole actualy write on these channels guys who have realy done it ie for cion or for the hel of being clased a poacher etc its a sham the pet industry has got holed of a decent little worker like the ferret etc cheers Link to post
The one 8,522 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 Your never going to get the truth about culling kitt's it a sensitive topic to some and there's other way to control kitt numbers iv'e 12 jill's here i bred two of them one's lost her kitt's and wont be remated this year .The problem stems from folk who dont have access to a snipped hob and breed there jills there no need for that Link to post
dogs-n-natives 1,182 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 Some people find it a big problem finding good working homes and the only people around wanting ferrets being complete messers seeing them as novelty pets. Ive turned away about ten such people, as I am wanting them to have a life they deserve (WORKING) in a bag whack it with shovel If your going to do it that is a bad way to do it Whin, why a bag?? Or cant you bare the sight of it? If its in a bag you may miss or wound it. Chapp em on the head, job done! Link to post
whin 463 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 i wouldnt think any body gets fun out of killing there own lines but i would rather cull an animal than have a life of sqaulor and not knowing what fresh meat tastes like or a good scrap with a rabbit , i gave a few ferrets to my nephews i ended up my sisters job of keeping them they are on a diet of rabbit and dried food ,i think if it came to the day of haveing to feed them dreid stuff 100 per cent the ferrets would be gone same with dogs etc if i got no return out of them then i would move on to other things , to many people have pets ferrets pet working dogs no wonder we are over run with pups ferrets etc at certain times of year i hate puppy peddlars etc i think this country is very soft and to politicaly correct ,if people want to get involved in hunting animals then they should learn to hunt or get hobbies that are less taxing and no bllood and guts , ive gave most of my life to the chase etc cant abide people who by working animals then complain they dont make good petc etc like all the hob ferrets in the rescue centres same with lurchers etc al the best to thoise that walk the line Link to post
whin 463 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 a bag was amatter of talk not how its done , try killing a fully grown ferret they are tough , i never need to kill kits as i only breed one litt every few years unless people i know want them , its not something i like to do but well if they dont turn you cant keep a pack of them luckly ferrets if bred right do fine but you some times get ones thats are to old and well i dont like seeing an animal sufer so the have to go nate its life im afraid and who are you to tell people how to kill them mate killed enough animals in my time to know eaqsy ways and hard ways Link to post
Guest Magwitch Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 if you cull at birth you might be knocking the good workers on the head and keeping the wankers. if you have bred from a line of proven workers that go back at least 3 -5 generations then chances are they will all be good workers and if you do cull at birth you will never know if they were shit or brilliant and you will get on with what you have ....... but as i stated you may bang all the goodun's keep all the shite come ferreting season your left with the wankers now what do you do? and as i stated if the parents were proven workers from proven stock then there is a 99.9% chance thet the youngsters will grow in to good workers unless for some reason the hunting gene skipped the whole litter ... it aint rocket science ........ Well 99.9% socks you should have people queuing for them everyone's a winner no need to nut them on the noodle then problem solved Link to post
dogs-n-natives 1,182 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 and who are you to tell people how to kill them mate killed enough animals in my time to know eaqsy ways and hard ways Well, people who are young or inexperienced will read what you put and may have thought (as you are so old and wise) that the best way to kill a kit is to put it in a bag and hit it with a shovel. A sharp tap on the head IS the best way to do it. try killing a fully grown ferret they are tough #This makes me think that you have actually struggled killing a ferret before! They shouldnt get a chance to show how tough they are if you kill them properly ( head shot). Link to post
FUBAR 0 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 #This makes me think that you have actually struggled killing a ferret before! They shouldn't get a chance to show how tough they are if you kill them properly ( head shot). With a polecat hob attached to my thumb a five mile dash across the estate and opening the gun cabinet it didn't seem the best way to dispatch the ferret ! Link to post
whin 463 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 you get a big old dog ferret heel stink everywere if you hold him and chap him on the heed ,ive drowned them hit them with the old estwing on the napper , shot the humanely and i would say a humane way is a ferret mooching about and the next thing he is dead , if you prefer the chap on the head fare and well as ive used that method , but realy if i was going ful out humnae a sleeppless injection if i could get someone to do it free i prefer killing them with a head shot or a preist , i usally jkill mines over the backof the kneck with preist easy and safe but i had one thta we found was wild as a mink a big old dog ferret he got the gun , never had to kill a kit mate not intentinally any way , i would not kill ahealthy animal if poss rather just not breed till i have enough homes etc ive had ferrets since ten so imagine the trouble as a 12 year old boy trying to kill a big biting dpg ferret etc may yrs a go , any way i more into geting it done quick , if ive got to do it i hate haveing to kill an old warrior Link to post
whin 463 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 dogn natives etc ive had ferrets since 10 thirty years just about, so tell me you never struggled as a youngster etc bull shit you dinlo mate , Link to post
bobdog 0 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 my theory is for the ferrets that they are tough and get ill very raley becouse in times of old they didnt get loked after nearly as good, so if a weak kit was born it would die soon so we see nalural selection and so only the toughest hardest ferret survived. ferrets are slowly going to turn soft because we now keep them in over clean placese they are not used to well there inherited imunitys and so will get ill when we hickup and they get a bug, soft owners ie pet owners no names 'cough' jojojamanjo 'cough' by splashing out alot when an inferiour kit is born or ferret gets ill they spend money reviving it and so it lives to breed and gives its weak genes to its younge who then go on to other weak owners/pet owners who will splash out huge amounts nuff said wrf i think you will find that a responcible pet owner will neuture their ferrets[its the pratts that breed] Link to post
stubby 175 Posted May 24, 2008 Report Share Posted May 24, 2008 as everyone seems to have had there say in this debate, and its now just getting into name calling, Ive locked it, Link to post
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