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cull or not to cull .. debate

Guest bigredbusa

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i havent bred for years but found this jil an brilliant worker who doesnt fail so wanted something out of her but i was quite prepared to see the whole litter and pick the smallest and cull the rest , as it turns out i've ended with four all of which look like the size i want


Then you're an idiot.


As I said earlier, attitudes like yours just fuel the prejudices of 'pet ferret' owners.

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as youve asked for peoples opinions..


only a c u n t ! would "cull" their ferrets, doesnt matter how old in my eyes.


fair do, if you have a ferret that is uncontrolable & can never be taimed then its either a trip down the vets & pay a few quid or a quick humane despatch, but to breed, then kill "surplus stock".



a subject like this will only get peoples backs up !

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well only cleaning them out once a fortnight poor things would you like to live in your shit with the stink especially this time of year ,i would prefer to cull than to think they would spend the rest of their lives living like that ,now whats humane .If i no longer could keep my ferrets for some reason i wouldnt rehome them unless they were close friends other wise i would have them P.T.S so at least i knew they wouldnt have a long shitty stinky life

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Guest bigredbusa
Then you're an idiot.


As I said earlier, attitudes like yours just fuel the prejudices of 'pet ferret' owners.


thanks for the reply droid and i see you have kept it a friendly debate lol , i dont care what pet owners think as i have breed for working stock , one thing you will notice is that i dont follow the band or because the internet says so.


you say 'fuel the prejudices of pet owners' and i would say 'fuel the prejudices of anti's' aswell , i think you dont quite understand that im not the only one who has these views .


so what would you say to the lad who has worked dogs all his life and wants to keep a line of dogs to himself , lets say he breeds bullcross's and he lost a dog in the season and he wants to replace it , he has 6 and culls 5 once he has chosen the pick . would you call him an idiot aswell ?


i heard on the news a couple of days ago that due to the credit crunch people are throwing out pets left right and centre , now this has probably come from the rspca ( so probably is over blown b/s ) but why add to the problem .


there are more animals then ever living in rescues and i for one will not add to them numbers.


infact droid you post has upset me somewhat , is there anything you need to tell the forum ?


Culling goes on but people choose to stick there head in the sand rather than meet it head on and discuss it like adults, its life simple as that really


thank you kay for understanding the point of the thread

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Guest bigredbusa
as youve asked for peoples opinions..


only a c u n t ! would "cull" their ferrets, doesnt matter how old in my eyes.


fair do, if you have a ferret that is uncontrolable & can never be taimed then its either a trip down the vets & pay a few quid or a quick humane despatch, but to breed, then kill "surplus stock".



a subject like this will only get peoples backs up !


are you living in a shell richie , it happens fella and this is a debate about it.


maybe you should read every post and then leave a reply. :) to tell you the truth i expected certain members to go potty on this debate and they have let very mature replys and can sit on the fence and see both sides.

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In this weather, try cleaning them every other day at least :thumbs:


Why " In this weather " ? In fact why every other day? Jesus; Do we not Feed our creatures Every day, regardless of weather? Do we not tend their other needs Every day?


you'll notice ditch, I said "at least" purely as you know damn well he aint going to go from fortnightly to daily, I was trying to get a happy medium between the two, get his ferrets a better life, and make him a better keeper,

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as youve asked for peoples opinions..


only a c u n t ! would "cull" their ferrets, doesnt matter how old in my eyes.


fair do, if you have a ferret that is uncontrolable & can never be taimed then its either a trip down the vets & pay a few quid or a quick humane despatch, but to breed, then kill "surplus stock".



a subject like this will only get peoples backs up !


are you living in a shell richie , it happens fella and this is a debate about it.


maybe you should read every post and then leave a reply. :) to tell you the truth i expected certain members to go potty on this debate and they have let very mature replys and can sit on the fence and see both sides.





on your first post your asked for others views on the idea, so i gave my view.


why ask for others views & when they reply with an answer different to yours you get all defensive ? thought this was a debate ?.


and as for " it happens " im sure it does, & men f*****g other men up the arse happens ! does that make it right ? !

as for people culling unwanted puppies to take the best of the lines, their even bigger c u n t s !.


anyway, why would anyone want to openly admit to culling their ferrets on an open forum , or to anyone for that matter ? yeah, sure it goes on & should stay behind closed doors.


its like the idiots on here that say they go poaching., morons trying to impress others & by thinking their hard...


& as for me living in a box, get real.

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Just reading this and hardly anybody is going to admit to culling far less doing it shame really as there is no need to breed a load of kitts in the first place .Just sitting here thinking what this board will look like come august /september every second post will read ferret kitts free to good home ,If the surplus kitts are not going to be culled couldn't these folk use a snipped hob them the rescue centre's wouldn't be overflowing come september

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In this weather, try cleaning them every other day at least :thumbs:


Why " In this weather " ? In fact why every other day? Jesus; Do we not Feed our creatures Every day, regardless of weather? Do we not tend their other needs Every day?


you'll notice ditch, I said "at least" purely as you know damn well he aint going to go from fortnightly to daily, I was trying to get a happy medium between the two, get his ferrets a better life, and make him a better keeper,

first thing every morning,i have a brew,go out to the ferts,scrape up the shavings from the sh*t corner,chuck some fresh down,change water and take out any old food. every morning.without fail before i do the same to the dogs and then go to work!its no hardship to do.

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as youve asked for peoples opinions..


only a c u n t ! would "cull" their ferrets, doesnt matter how old in my eyes.


fair do, if you have a ferret that is uncontrolable & can never be taimed then its either a trip down the vets & pay a few quid or a quick humane despatch, but to breed, then kill "surplus stock".



a subject like this will only get peoples backs up !

Well it's thanks to the C U N T S going back over hundreds of years, that we've still got ferrets. It's only in recent times that the ferret has started to become popular as a pet. If the ferret owners of yesterday hadn't of weeded out the non workers & kept the best, & the ferret had of lost it's usefulness, it wouldn't have been around, simple as that.

The same can be said for dogs. How do you think all the different breeds we have today came into being?


My personal feelings are that I wouldn't cull myself, unless I had good reason, illness or unmanageable, etc, but it's wrong to force your views on other people. This is meant to be a debate, & your thoughts were supposed to be about the subject of culling, not your personal views about people that disagree with you.

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Then you're an idiot.


As I said earlier, attitudes like yours just fuel the prejudices of 'pet ferret' owners.


thanks for the reply droid and i see you have kept it a friendly debate lol , i dont care what pet owners think as i have breed for working stock , one thing you will notice is that i dont follow the band or because the internet says so.


you say 'fuel the prejudices of pet owners' and i would say 'fuel the prejudices of anti's' aswell , i think you dont quite understand that im not the only one who has these views .


so what would you say to the lad who has worked dogs all his life and wants to keep a line of dogs to himself , lets say he breeds bullcross's and he lost a dog in the season and he wants to replace it , he has 6 and culls 5 once he has chosen the pick . would you call him an idiot aswell ?


i heard on the news a couple of days ago that due to the credit crunch people are throwing out pets left right and centre , now this has probably come from the rspca ( so probably is over blown b/s ) but why add to the problem .


there are more animals then ever living in rescues and i for one will not add to them numbers.


infact droid you post has upset me somewhat , is there anything you need to tell the forum ?


Culling goes on but people choose to stick there head in the sand rather than meet it head on and discuss it like adults, its life simple as that really


thank you kay for understanding the point of the thread


Wel i suppose the natural way the thread should have gone was not just if you think culling is right or wrong but maybe other methods off controling the numbers,


i think its plain to see that the majority would rather bred from proven working stock than just pick up a kit or two from wherever , but as we all know none offf of live in the same street so in an ideal world that would solve the issue off over breeding , we all take a couple off kits off maybe 2 who have bredd there jills, the rest use a vasectomised hob or get there jills jabbed for that season.


Hell we dont even live in the same county so its a pipe dream , people sometimes have no choice , if they use ferrets as part off there hunting arsnal to earn a living then why should they '' take any old kit'' if they want to use there own stock to breed from because they feel there stocks proven & work hard for them , then imo they should.


No one knows how many kits each & every jill will carry & give birth to , thats the problem , rescues who will home to ferreters are few & far between so what are people to do


I dont know iff cullings right or wrong i dont think theres a clear cut answer , circumstances are so different for different people ,its not something i have ever had to think about , but i know it goes on .


The RSPCA do it every day in the back off there litle vans , the only difference is they use a lethal injection & wear a uniform , its still culling

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when i said once a fortnite i ment they are emptied and sprayed down andthen sprayed with anti bacterial... iclean the crap corner once or twice a day!!!!


Thank you for clearing that up :thumbs:

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when i said once a fortnite i ment they are emptied and sprayed down andthen sprayed with anti bacterial... iclean the crap corner once or twice a day!!!!


Thank you for clearing that up :thumbs:

Let's hope that's not all he's clearing up, for the sake of his ferrets! :laugh:

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