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cull or not to cull .. debate

Guest bigredbusa

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Iv'e always said i would cull but never have and last year we had loads of hobs we got them all rehomed maybe because they where funny coloured .But this year iv'e only 4 silvers here 2 hobs and 2 jills and i dont see a problem rehoming that amount .

Years ago id problems with 2 litters and the vet put them down at a £1 each that fair totaled up i thought about hitting them over the head but they where 6 weeks old by then

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Guest bigredbusa

i havent bred for years but found this jil an brilliant worker who doesnt fail so wanted something out of her but i was quite prepared to see the whole litter and pick the smallest and cull the rest , as it turns out i've ended with four all of which look like the size i want

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being a pestie, I get to kill humanely all sorts, but could'ent do a ferret, unless it was "the humaine" thing to do, ie illness,

although I have a large number of kitts this year, I also have a very large garden/ferret area, and the capacity to keep them, simply people breed to the area they have available, those with a small set up, keep it small,


a word of advise for the poster, saying he drowns,live catch rats, loads may do it, but it is in fact illegal, so edit your post and keep it under your hat

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  stubby said:
being a pestie, I get to kill humanely all sorts, but could'ent do a ferret, unless it was "the humaine" thing to do, ie illness,

although I have a large number of kitts this year, I also have a very large garden/ferret area, and the capacity to keep them, simply people breed to the area they have available, those with a small set up, keep it small,


a word of advise for the poster, saying he drowns,live catch rats, loads may do it, but it is in fact illegal, so edit your post and keep it under your hat

I never new that. thanks stubby. will alter now.

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  essexferreter said:
the knacker man picks them up kay and the meat is used for the hunt dogs and he sells the hides on


Culling goes on but people choose to stick there head in the sand rather than meet it head on and discuss it like adults, its life simple as that really

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Well in more or less 20 years of keeping them I've never culled but this year I've thinned the hobs out within the first days as I don't want to be stuck with hobs like the 2 from last years,. Like you say stubby if you have the room it's not such a problem and I have the room to hold them if needs be but I can't be stuck anymore hobs, I''l be getting 2 in for castration this and one snipped the other will left entire. If get left with excess jills left I'll work them on till they go. this will be the last of my breeding for a good few years as i'll have what need from these this year.


I had too many idiots last year and I ended taken one back and rejecting a fair few other folk from the onset.

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I wouldnt knock anyone culling off some surplus kits, if they thought that they were going to struggle finding good working homes for them.

Same story with working dogs.

The problems lie with the people who just give/sell kits/pups to any fecker!


If you have kits or pups to find homes for, you should always make an effort to get them the RIGHT sort of good, permanent working home, and not to be afraid of telling messers to feck off!

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Guest jojoamojo

does it not occur to you to NOT BREED rather than bucket the lot? neuter your pets or be responsible


what would you do if your teenage daughter got pregnant? bucket the kid?


such moronic irresponsible animal keeping

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