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I have a litter of eight in cornwall and will be ready in 7 weeks. would anyone be interested as a buyer just ditched me as had booked 2 ferts (bloody pet owners) and I am worried about rehoming them. could organise sell or swap for ferret gear


looking for a tenner a peice (hob) 15 (jill)

Edited by will.f11
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Hang on summats not right here, you said you were possibly getting a jill today & you have kits already :hmm: unless i have got members muddled up on here


Forgive me i got members muddled up its my age , so appolagies to will :thumbs::laugh:

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I just dont want to be overrun by the same family lol. I am looking for a hob ferret aswell but am just worried as posted on ferrets at market? I had an email saying that she cant have any anymore. I didnt want o take any off a donkey sanctuary MY FRIEND asked m to post as he didnt have an account on preloved or whereever it was. Yes I am trying to book them early so I can be assured that there will be loving homes waiting for them. I dont want too many hobs of the same blood line. in case of inbreeding

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What sort of prices do ferrets make at market. my local auctioneer offered to sell mine at the poultry market :whistling::icon_eek:



I just dont want to be overrun by the same family lol. I am looking for a hob ferret aswell but am just worried as posted on ferrets at market? I had an email saying that she cant have any anymore. I didnt want o take any off a donkey sanctuary MY FRIEND asked m to post as he didnt have an account on preloved or whereever it was. Yes I am trying to book them early so I can be assured that there will be loving homes waiting for them. I dont want too many hobs of the same blood line. in case of inbreeding


:hmm: something dont add up here , if your worried about in breeding then split the hobs from the gills :doh:

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Same person who PM'd me asking if I would have any kits for sale in June????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Yes I want A hob kit from different bloodlines for next year. because I am keeping a jill or two I will need a different hob to put them in kit. Its my first litter and I am worrieing about rehoming but apparently someone I know said he had a litter of 15 and sold them really quick so i am not worried now

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What sort of prices do ferrets make at market. my local auctioneer offered to sell mine at the poultry market :whistling::icon_eek:



I just dont want to be overrun by the same family lol. I am looking for a hob ferret aswell but am just worried as posted on ferrets at market? I had an email saying that she cant have any anymore. I didnt want o take any off a donkey sanctuary MY FRIEND asked m to post as he didnt have an account on preloved or whereever it was. Yes I am trying to book them early so I can be assured that there will be loving homes waiting for them. I dont want too many hobs of the same blood line. in case of inbreeding


:hmm: something dont add up here , if your worried about in breeding then split the hobs from the gills :doh:

I will if I have to. I am arranging a court to be put up in the next couple of weeks so will have loads of space! then I will be able to keep all seperate. Jills and a hob in court and hobs in hutches.

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For crying out loud, the lads trying to sell some kitts, if you don't want them don't buy them, so what if he was looking for a hob a while ago?

Why all the negative comments? Ganging up and bullying comes to mind. :whistling::boxing:

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