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Harris Bipods

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Guest JohnGalway



I have a Sako Quad, any of the Harris bipods will fit it. I have a 6-9" swivel on mine, used to have a 9-13" foxed before that. No adaptors needed, it'll latch onto the fore end sling swivel, you can then attach a sling to the bipod and away you go.

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thank you , go on flea bay and order one up i should have the gun by the end of the week , cant wait :gunsmilie:





Spend the extra and get a Swivel Harris - The fixed ones are fine but sods law is that when you need to take a shot the ground will be uneven and the fixed then becomes a time wasting fiddle to shorten a leg to get a straight line shot - a swivel is the answer - mine on 3 rifles are all 9" - 13", just find them more comfortable especially when shooting up hill



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