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Do Military looklike rifles espeically .22lr ones with semi auto fuction give the shooting sports a bad press, and they should be discouraged? for example, the walther g22 which looks likes a SA80 or Stayer AUG with can almost fire a 'burst' rate of fire of 2 shots per secound and can deplete a 10 round mag in just under 5 secs. is this type of firearm really needed for hunting or to be used by non military people??



any thoughts?


ps. i do NOT agree with a ban!

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Do Military looklike rifles espeically .22lr ones with semi auto fuction give the shooting sports a bad press, and they should be discouraged? for example, the walther g22 which looks likes a SA80 or Stayer AUG with can almost fire a 'burst' rate of fire of 2 shots per secound and can deplete a 10 round mag in just under 5 secs. is this type of firearm really needed for hunting or to be used by non military people??



any thoughts?


ps. i do NOT agree with a ban!


Several things give the shooting and hunting fraternity a ‘bad press’, they’re known as anti’s, bunny huggers, tree huggers, vegetarians and vegan’s, fox huggers, ban the hunt supporters, or collectively known as…….wet bas*ards.

It doesn’t matter if you have a catapult, a BSA Meteor airgun or a military look rifle, those knob’s will be looking to ban whatever you do, or have.

Rant over.......for now.

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Do Military looklike rifles espeically .22lr ones with semi auto fuction give the shooting sports a bad press, and they should be discouraged? for example, the walther g22 which looks likes a SA80 or Stayer AUG with can almost fire a 'burst' rate of fire of 2 shots per secound and can deplete a 10 round mag in just under 5 secs. is this type of firearm really needed for hunting or to be used by non military people??



any thoughts?


ps. i do NOT agree with a ban!


Several things give the shooting and hunting fraternity a ‘bad press’, they’re known as anti’s, bunny huggers, tree huggers, vegetarians and vegan’s, fox huggers, ban the hunt supporters, or collectively known as…….wet bas*ards.

It doesn’t matter if you have a catapult, a BSA Meteor airgun or a military look rifle, those knob’s will be looking to ban whatever you do, or have.

Rant over.......for now.


Well said :clapper::clapper:


But i love the look of the styer aug.


I dont agree with a ban either

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Do Military looklike rifles espeically .22lr ones with semi auto fuction give the shooting sports a bad press, and they should be discouraged? for example, the walther g22 which looks likes a SA80 or Stayer AUG with can almost fire a 'burst' rate of fire of 2 shots per secound and can deplete a 10 round mag in just under 5 secs. is this type of firearm really needed for hunting or to be used by non military people??



any thoughts?


ps. i do NOT agree with a ban!


I don't think they should be banned, however I would never wish to own one.


I am of the opinion that dressed in camo running around with one of these type of rifles will attract attention by the antis and I would think the owner of such a rifle risks having a swat team asking him to lie flat face down :icon_eek:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Personally, I think the " It's alive so I MUST shoot it! " brigade amongst 'our own' do more than enough damage to the image of Field Sports. Kids who can't shoot prone because of the discomfort below their waistline as something flutters into range.


Ye govt. tightened up the General License? They flaunt it. So next they'll either license those allowed to shoot Anything, else they'll license air gun ownership. Then ye'll hear the usual suspects screaming from the roof tops like mad mullahs at prayer time.


But hey; This has all been said before, down the ages. No one ever listens. That's why ye so strapped with Bans these days. Reap what ye sow.



Mark; I'd Really like to get hold of one of those things ye have in ye Avatar! :laugh: Keep it in a cage and, if a friend called round, whip a cover off it for a fleeting moment. Let them glimpse it, then put it away and leave them to wonder WTF they'd just seen!


Don't spose you're Mark P of Skipton, by any chance?

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Personally, I think the " It's alive so I MUST shoot it! " brigade amongst 'our own' do more than enough damage to the image of Field Sports. Kids who can't shoot prone because of the discomfort below their waistline as something flutters into range.


Ye govt. tightened up the General License? They flaunt it. So next they'll either license those allowed to shoot Anything, else they'll license air gun ownership. Then ye'll hear the usual suspects screaming from the roof tops like mad mullahs at prayer time.


But hey; This has all been said before, down the ages. No one ever listens. That's why ye so strapped with Bans these days. Reap what ye sow.



Mark; I'd Really like to get hold of one of those things ye have in ye Avatar! :laugh: Keep it in a cage and, if a friend called round, whip a cover off it for a fleeting moment. Let them glimpse it, then put it away and leave them to wonder WTF they'd just seen!


Don't spose you're Mark P of Skipton, by any chance?


You can get done for flashing ditch!!! I dont know how it is over there but here its a criminal offence!!! LOL

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Personally, I think the " It's alive so I MUST shoot it! " brigade amongst 'our own' do more than enough damage to the image of Field Sports. Kids who can't shoot prone because of the discomfort below their waistline as something flutters into range.


Ye govt. tightened up the General License? They flaunt it. So next they'll either license those allowed to shoot Anything, else they'll license air gun ownership. Then ye'll hear the usual suspects screaming from the roof tops like mad mullahs at prayer time.


But hey; This has all been said before, down the ages. No one ever listens. That's why ye so strapped with Bans these days. Reap what ye sow.



Mark; I'd Really like to get hold of one of those things ye have in ye Avatar! :laugh: Keep it in a cage and, if a friend called round, whip a cover off it for a fleeting moment. Let them glimpse it, then put it away and leave them to wonder WTF they'd just seen!


Don't spose you're Mark P of Skipton, by any chance?



Em no im Mark S of Skipton

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I don't think they should be banned, however I would never wish to own one.


I am of the opinion that dressed in camo running around with one of these type of rifles will attract attention by the antis and I would think the owner of such a rifle risks having a swat team asking him to lie flat face down :icon_eek:





in my experiance you would be better off being pulled over by the S019 as they lience the firearms as well as responding to the criminal use of firearms, so they would be able to tell someone hunting on farmers land from some idot running around a public place and mis-using a firearm. but you are right, if normal plod saw you, then calls the armed response lot...then who knows. In my case, comming back from the club, i had a co2 handgun in my boot, plod searched the car found it, even though i told them i had a reasonable excuse to carry it, (comming back from the gunclub) they went total mental. Leter on they told me, i would off been better off if i haved been pulled over by a armed response unit as they would off told me to 'carry on'

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Joe Blocky


Why did the Police stop you, and why did they search your car??????????. In thirty six years of driving I have only been stopped twice, and the Police did not ask to search my car.

It's in your own interest if stopped by the Police to state that you have a legally owned and unloaded gun in the car, describe what it is and why it's in your car. I always transport my guns with trigger locks fitted.

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Joe Blocky


Why did the Police stop you, and why did they search your car??????????. In thirty six years of driving I have only been stopped twice, and the Police did not ask to search my car.

It's in your own interest if stopped by the Police to state that you have a legally owned and unloaded gun in the car, describe what it is and why it's in your car. I always transport my guns with trigger locks fitted.







i gave a mate a lift back, and he lived in a crap hole and was little late at night, thats why the pulled me over. then gave some rubbish about my car matching the description of an robbery or something, when then enabled them to search under sc1 of PACE 1984.

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Guest JohnGalway
It's in your own interest if stopped by the Police to state that you have a legally owned and unloaded gun in the car, describe what it is and why it's in your car. I always transport my guns with trigger locks fitted.


That's very good advice. If you've got nothing to hide then don't hide it. Trigger locks are something I must look into myself as I'll be travelling a bit with my rifle this year.


To answer the initial question, no. Uneducated sensationalist media types fulled by BS anti's give bad press. If a person is passed fit by their police force to hold a firearm legally then there should be no problem. The firearm itself cannot hurt anyone, it's the person shooting it.

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The styer AUG is an awesome weapon, In the public domain here in eire anyway they are single shot, not auto, I've seen the militery weapon in action and they are excellent, in both design and performance.

To say military looking weapons give shooting bad press in nonsense. It's numtie's running around in full camo with no sense pointing at anything that moves regardless of the weapon, loaded or unloaded.

I like the look of them personally. :gunsmilie: Ps. not a dig at anyone by the way, just a statement.

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