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I gauge heavy weights by how it compares to a bag of dog food (40 lbs), that fish doesn't look like it could weigh that much, it's so deceptive! What were you in India for, just a holiday or work?

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I went there specifically to catch a Golden Mahseer as it was a life-time dream of mine.


The fish was weighed on Indian scales which moved between 55lb and 65lb however they were very ancient.


Like you I was a bit sceptical about the weight, however since returning to the UK I have emailed the phto to a number of noted Mahseer Anglers all of which give it in give around 60lb.


To give you some idiea of the strenght of these things you use an uptide rod, an ABU 10000 multiplier, 45 lb Berkley Big Game line, rRoofing Lead as weight and even with all this a 7lb fish strips of line as theres no restance!







I gauge heavy weights by how it compares to a bag of dog food (40 lbs), that fish doesn't look like it could weigh that much, it's so deceptive! What were you in India for, just a holiday or work?
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I love fishing, and am so thankful for the warmer weather! Missouri is bordered/crossed by two major rivers (the Mississippi and the Missouri) and have a huge number of lakes, and thousands of rivers, streams and creeks. Boating, canoeing, kayaking, floating, tubing, fishing etc is a big deal here. A large number of farms hold at least one "farm pond" which unless cattle are standing in it, is known as a fishing pond. There are more fishermen here than deer hunters, and that says a lot! I'd say just about anyone who is into the outdoors fishes.


Catfishing is probably #1, our cats are not like the UK cats and some can be 30-40 lbs and some obscenely more.






IMO the ideal eating size for a cat is 1-3 pounds as it can taste muddy the older it gets. Or buy it from a fish farm, which is what I do. I make awesome catfish, rolled in cornbreading and spice and just broiled or BBQ's, it's one of my favorite foods ever.




Noodling for catfish is big down in the southern part of the state, but as you noodle by catching big cats by hand in muddy breeding/sleeping holes in the riverbeds, I think I'll skip that "fun"! Night catfishing is also popular, glow in the dark poles, bonfires and beer :)


We also have all other sorts of freshwater fish, bass is really big, sunfish (bluegill), trout, crappie etc. Our small pond holds those most of them. We love fishing so having our own pond was something that made the house we chose just perfect for us.


our pond in the fall ... the dogs love it too




fishing at a friends pond




nice Bass FR




Paddlefish are something I'd like to try for.




and I've not been to India, if we ever become millionaires we want to travel there and do some hunting and fishing, we've heard northern India is pretty wild

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:icon_eek: Northern india is where I found myself for a year,kashmir in the himalayas,awesome place for various reasons,if you do it ride a bike around to Ladakh and down to Manali,great scenery :victory: The pics an old one,fishing for a form of snow-trout in kasmir,1992 I think,I was also back there in '95 shortly after keith Mangam and his group were taken by suspected JKLF members,its still a pretty volatile place :whistling:

Your cats are HUGE :icon_eek: And I have seen noodling on a DVD,they have a world championships,everyone in wetsiuts or shorts and t-shirt getting into the rivers,looks great :victory:


Edited by mackem
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looks amazing . mackem your very lucky id love to travel like that !! never realy been something i thought about till now but the more i see things like this the more id love to just be anywhere other than the hustle and bustle of the place's we all call home even our country side is becoming few and far between !!


regards kris.

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looks amazing . mackem your very lucky id love to travel like that !! never realy been something i thought about till now but the more i see things like this the more id love to just be anywhere other than the hustle and bustle of the place's we all call home even our country side is becoming few and far between !!


regards kris.


I have been on a number of exotic angling trips, if you spend a bit of time researching and talk to people on line you can do these trips far for far less money than you think.


My whole trip to India for two weeks was less than £1,500 incuding equipment, specalist cloths, jabs, flights and spending money (specilist angling tour companies want around £3,500 ex eqioment and jabs for the same trip!!


My next project is Taimen in Mongolia planning to go in Sept 09, If I can save enough money and get a pass from the wife :thumbs:



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