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candel power.

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ive been given the chance to buy a lamp for $25. it is 3 million candel power.

should i buy it, is it worth the trip in?

thanks in advance.



I find 1 million plenty enough :victory: ,




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depends on what you want to hunt with it, i still use the blue eye, 200,000, plenty for bunnies, etc, with big lamps you can over run your dog, plus if you dont have permission, your letting all and sundry know your there, including game in surrounding area, you dont want to look like blackpool illuminations what ever you do. hope this helps.

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another problem ive seen with bigger lamps, is the big halo you get surrounding the beam, we tried alsorts of tatics to try and sort this out, the only thing that helped in the end was a filter, but you dont get it with the blue eye, id be stuffd if it broke because im not sure if they are still about.

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another problem ive seen with bigger lamps, is the big halo you get surrounding the beam, we tried alsorts of tatics to try and sort this out, the only thing that helped in the end was a filter, but you dont get it with the blue eye, id be stuffd if it broke because im not sure if they are still about.

They are still beng made you can still purchase them in this country, you can purchase them via Ely Boat Chandlers, and they retail around 44 pounds. regards collie john.

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Guest WILF

Most of the time the good old clu-lite is plenty but the Blitz lamp has a good range if your dog is running quarry at distance, which may be handy if you are on big open ground.

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i've the lightforce there 1 million candle power guaranteed and i've been out with 3 and 4 million candlpower lights there nowhere near as bright there all full of shit they aren't nowere near that so my advise would be not to by no cheap 3 milloin candle power light because it won't be that but it depends what you want it for you you still do [bANNED TEXT] with a 500,000 atb in what ever you do :victory:

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i use a lightforce 170. dont need no more power than that. like the lad says if your having a walk were you shoulnt ;) you dont want the whole town seeing...as you can see them lamps a good few miles away



i find the 170 hte best as well i also have a cluelight wich isnt bad for the rabbits and hares

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i use a lightforce 170. dont need no more power than that. like the lad says if your having a walk were you shoulnt ;) you dont want the whole town seeing...as you can see them lamps a good few miles away



i find the 170 hte best as well i also have a cluelight wich isnt bad for the rabbits and hares

I use a clulite 1 million candle power and find that most of the time it does the job brilliantly but on slightly clearer nights it can be a bit too bright

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I use a clulite 1 million candle power and find that most of the time it does the job brilliantly but on slightly clearer nights it can be a bit too bright


I've always found the opposite frost.The darker the night the brighter the beam appears

and the lighter the night the beam seems dimmer. :hmm:


If you think the beam is too bright get a red filter for it,I've got one on my lazerlight all the time. :thumbs:

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