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new to firearms and shot guns

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have just applied for my firearms and coterminous shot gun license. hopefully all will go well with that and i'll be able to get a .22 rimmy and a 12g.


if any one has any advise on a cheapish shot gun (under £500) an o/u and probably s/h for rabbiting and maybe a spot of clay shooting as i have no real knowledge of the shot gun industry that would be great.


as for my rimmy i want a .22lr cz silhouette. has anyone got any opinions on it??



all the best. Karl

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  karlp86 said:
have just applied for my firearms and coterminous shot gun license. hopefully all will go well with that and i'll be able to get a .22 rimmy and a 12g.


if any one has any advise on a cheapish shot gun (under £500) an o/u and probably s/h for rabbiting and maybe a spot of clay shooting as i have no real knowledge of the shot gun industry that would be great.


as for my rimmy i want a .22lr cz silhouette. has anyone got any opinions on it??



all the best. Karl

for a start you need to decide what kind of gun. over and under or semi auto would proberbly be best for clays as side by sides over heat a bit when fired rapadly. but your best bet is to go to a local shop and speak to them.

on a shotgun licsence there is no specific bore stated so you can get any size you want.

have a look at the hatson escort semi auto for around £400 or a baikal over and under there good relaible guns

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Best of luck in your apllication!!

I have the CZ Style also. It would make sense to apply for a moderator at the same time as your FAC application, you well then have the full benefit of subsonic ammo. Mine likes winchester, so i stopped there. Others wil have there own opinion. But most will agreee a good work tool. A SAk only cost's about £35 and the combination is no louder than an air rifle.

As for shotgun, when i first bought an over and under, some 18 years ago, i went the second hand route and got a Lanber. Excellent gun, and shouldn't loose value.

Jus my opinion.


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thanks for the help guys.

well i'm really lookin forward to getting my cz, been wanting one for a long time. As for the shot gun i have been searching the web for a nicely priced over and under 12g. with good results. just need my license now :gunsmilie:


cheers karl.

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  karlp86 said:
thanks for the help guys.

well i'm really lookin forward to getting my cz, been wanting one for a long time. As for the shot gun i have been searching the web for a nicely priced over and under 12g. with good results. just need my license now :gunsmilie:


cheers karl.







the liencing laws in this country are stpuid, for a shotgun, you should be able to just go through a 'background' check then be allowed to own one. for section one firearms, there a 'background check' and off course registation of the firearm that how it should be, and no bloody allowence on how much ammo you can hold at any one time. (if you can be trusted to hold a section 1 firearm, then holding ammo shouldnt be a issue)

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i have the style as well in the 16inch barrel. i fitted a brooks trigger kit to it and its shoots sweet 60 yard zero and its just ragged holes :thumbs: you wont go wrong with the cz mate, as for the shotgun get a secondhand beretta a303 soild shotguns and top build 8)

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