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How to trap crayfish

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Firstly brilliant post but one problem? I don't know about in england but transporting live american signals or ( austeopotemobius pallipes) sorry bout spelling! Is actually highly illegal and u could land your self in her Majesty's prison for a little stretch.

not if you have applied for tags from the environment agency for an area of river/pond etc it aint, as you need to put on application what your doing with them "eating them yourself" then gives you the ok on transporting,


just came back from trapping today funnily enough

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Right then, lets start at the beginning:     It sounds obvious, but you will need somewhere where there is actually a population of foreign crayfish, not english ones as they are heavily protecte

Had a go on a pond today to see if there was any about.Used some sprats for bait from Tesco, £1 worth was more than enough.I used 2 drop nets and caught every 10 mins.I will have them with some Pasta

Nothing doing on the crayfish front, but catching loads of eels and some reasonable sizes as well plenty of 2 and 3lb ers 

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Extreme Hunter, where is a good spot for crayfishing in Thurrock or near Thurrock? Would be grateful for some ideas.


LAKESIDE you know near the car park, diving school, lots of paddle boats, its filled with them

I got permission from the owner and applied for tags, which I still have,but never trapped there as it was too much hassle, he wanted method statements etc to cover him on his insurance, and wanted all trapping to be done from a boat because some areas are a vertical drop

it would be far easier to do a covert night visit with a single trap or two, not that I would ever advise that though

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  • 6 months later...
  • 1 month later...

scaffy tubes or something similar shaped like church organ pipes meshed at the bottom say six small section of pipe drop em in the drink and away yer go,yer could use a eel net i suppose but one of our local fisheries carp pool is plagued with them,the owner lets yer keep as many as yer can get i allways get me shre from his traps like the scaffy tube things,we have still got a few strongholds for native cray fish up here dunno about down the south of the country whats the situation down there ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

not sure thought of that meself,doesnt look like crayfish water to me from what ive seen of it,saying that i walked the canal not the river,near where the "pit is" coal mine never seen a fish there yet im on about where the railway crossing is if yer know where i mean at the back of the mine where the trains load up they is a sign saying no fishing at all whats all that about?

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yeah Tom1 know what yer mean i kept one from the tees years back in the 80s and even though it was caught in a flood in the middle reahes of the river it reminded me when i was eating it of where i lived stockton on tees in the tidal water smelt like a foundry,but yeah they are there now thru out the river Humber system,crayfish on the other hand are all over the place even in the aire i would imagine,try further up country up river yer might find em where the pollution hasnt hit,or maybe the calder further up...most places around where i live have em,the oaks fishery at sessay near thirsk is jammed with em in the speciman lake the owner lets yer keep em well used to not been for a few years,if yer dont mind traveling for them try the A66 west of scotch corner a village called dalton they is a tiny stream with very small trout and siht loads of crayfish some canny sized ones to,also try the river wharfe valley the feeder streams that come off the main river they used to be a fish farm that farmed them im sure they will have found there way in to the river system or the tributaries,the was a few fish farms one at kinsly park (kinsley crag) and the one that had the crayfish was i think at burnsall near grassington that kinda area im sure if yer ask when yer get up there yer will score,they used to be a fishing guide who took yer out on a private stretch which was usually for the fly angler with strict rules he took lads out for the barbel that were up there maybe contacting someone like might help...we used to sell em in the local club along with a few game birds :victory: :victory:

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I know there is some in a silt lake near me. Its full of ducks and geese. The water is really murky all the time, will these still be ok to eat?

yes, just purge them for a few days,


keep in a damp sack, not a bucket of water, after a few days put them in a large water filled container with a good helping of table salt, by this time their stomachs are empty and once washed through a few times are ok to eat

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