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New Hide!!

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cheers for the info solo .i take it the harris dosnt weigh as much as thay look?


may have to pop down to the local gunsmiths later in the week>




No mate they are really light!! Yea go to a gun shop and hold one you will see how light they are!!

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Hi all,

When me and my mate arrived at our permission today found that our old and very unsucsessfull hide had been trashed by the bad weather. We could not be bothered to re-build as it was not getting us the results we had hoped for. So insted my mate sugested that we make a new one in a better location, and what a little gem it has turned out to be. We baited the crows crudely with bread and fish and waited. And before we knew it we had some crows very interested, two landed and in a cool sincronised fashion we took them both down. :gunsmilie: . Then not long after a load of bloody seagulls turned up (as our permission is close to the sea) and spooked the crows, making them rush in and take a more snatch and run approach to the bait.

Also saw a few magpies but the seagulls had ruined it for us, But the new hide was a sucess and we are well chuffed with it.


P.s anyone have a seagull deterant!! hahaha!!


If you look at the crow on the right it still has bread in its beak!!



nice hide mate great guns too you could try versipod there a lil heavy but you can get a versipod copy for just over 50 quid

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Good shooting mate,

I like to see those jackdaws are bieng sent to a place where they cant piss me off!

I hate the feckers, (Picture to the left < :laugh:) , worse than magpies in my opinion.


Good shooting, use it more on the seagulls!


Regards, Luke.

Edited by Scuzy
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Good shooting mate,

I like to see those jackdaws are bieng sent to a place where they cant piss me off!

I hate the feckers, (Picture to the left < :laugh:) , worse than magpies in my opinion.


Good shooting, use it more on the seagulls!


Regards, Luke.


Cracking hide there LS :victory: & good shooting :gunsmilie: give the pellet lube a go, i do the same a Sean does & i personally think it makes a difference..


Cheers guys!!


Next week I should be all lubed up errr...!! hahahaha!! :gunsmilie:

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hey solo i seewhat you mean then harris bipods are sweet and very light .iv just got bck from the gun shop and

i couldnt belive how light thay are .

my invest in one when im not with her loadship.lol


Hahahahaha!! Yea mate well worth the money!!

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