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Hi all, i have anew addition to my lurcher pack. Let me know your ideas on size and the way you work it out. This pup is a cross with a beddlington whippet(stands at 23" female) and a collie grey(stands at 25"). He is standing at 19" now, and is 5months 2 weeks old. In the last 5 weeks he has grown 4". He is very stocky but just lately seems to have lost some of the big knuckle in his feet. So what are you putting him at, let me know, and i will keep you posted and to see if you get it right......




Edited by runforyourlife
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Hi all, i have anew addition to my lurcher pack. Let me know your ideas on size and the way you work it out. This pup is a cross with a beddlington whippet(stands at 23" female) and a collie grey(stands at 25"). He is standing at 19" now, and is 5months 2 weeks old. In the last 5 weeks he has grown 4". He is very stocky but just lately seems to have lost some of the big knuckle in his feet. So what are you putting him at, let me know, and i will keep you posted and to see if you get it right......
the way we do it is add both sire and dams height together then half it then you have the size the pup should make in your case your pup should be around 24 tts :victory:
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My god pal!! I have just had that pic up, saying to my wife look how much he looks like this one!! I must have found it else where in the forum and saved it! how mads that. i still had it up on the screen as i looked at your post!!!!! fecking freeky! Yeah, you could be right, but as for ideal, i think 24" is dieal as an all rounder. Like you say tho, 23" will be fine....

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Agree with whats already been typed here already,he will prob level out somewhere between the dam and the sires height but id also like to say he's a smashing looking pup mate and i hope he does a turn for you :thumbs:

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Guest joe ox

In my experience lurcher x lurcher matings the pups usually but not always level out somewhere near the size of the dam or the sire. Its impossible to give a accurate size of any pup untill its about 8/9 month.

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Adding the sizes of parents and halfing it, or assuming that if we breed a tall dog to a small dog we can guarentee dogs inbetween is a breeding misconception, and a mistake a lot of novice breeders make, it dose happen a lot with the first cross, but less in later crosses, so it cannot be used as an accurate guide..Dont get carried away with what size your pup is going to be, its yours and thats that..if it stays 19 inches are you going to sell it or have it put down, of course your not..it it makes 27 inches are you going to condem it to the canine scrap heap because someone says it will be to big to catch rabiits, of course your not..

A long, long time ago I had a 23 inch black bitch, EVERYBODY told me she was too small..and this helped me (wrongly) to loose interest in her..so much so, she sensed it, and chewed furniture, carpets the lot. I dropped that bitch off at Morpeth in Northumberland, and drove away (it still brings tears to my eyes thinking about it now) I couldnt live with myself, and went back to where I had dropped her off 8 hours later, she was still there. I took that bitch back, built her a shed in the garden, gave her the encouragement I should have instead of listening to idiots. She became one of the regions best all rounders, taking hare, ( first bitch in and around Ashington to GENUINELY notch up over 100 hares, no matter what ANYONE there will tell you now) she took nearly 2000 rabbits, when lamping was in its intfancy and held the record in our locality for rabbits in one night for years, the biggest fox I ever killed was with this bitch and she would slay roe single handed.

Im only highlighting this to emphasise how you shouldnt worry about height, its whats inside the dog that counts,,I, like a lot of people on here will have seen big dogs that were as numb as feck. Get stuck in with her training and entering, instead of worrying about how tall it will be, and I guarrentee it will do the job for you :thumbs:

Hey never once did i say i was worryied, or going to dump her, i love the dog, he is very inteligent, picks up at top speed, turns on a penny, so why the hell ami worrying!

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At the same age,[24 weeks] my last two lurchers stood 21.5" and 23". They went on to make 24" and 25".


My guess would be about 22" though as others have already said, it doesn't really matter.


Edited to add,a few years back my nephew got a 3/4 collie X 1/4 greyhound.The sire stood 24" and the dam 21",the pup topped off at 19.5" which goes to show you never can tell.

Edited by tote
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At the same age,[24 weeks] my last two lurchers stood 21.5" and 23". They went on to make 24" and 25".


My guess would be about 22" though as others have already said, it doesn't really matter.


Edited to add,a few years back my nephew got a 3/4 collie X 1/4 greyhound.The sire stood 24" and the dam 21",the pup topped off at 19.5" which goes to show you never can tell.

Yeah he still has 2 weeks till 24 weeks, and if he is still averageing an inch a week, he will hit 21" by that time, just like yours. cheers

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At the same age,[24 weeks] my last two lurchers stood 21.5" and 23". They went on to make 24" and 25".


My guess would be about 22" though as others have already said, it doesn't really matter.


Edited to add,a few years back my nephew got a 3/4 collie X 1/4 greyhound.The sire stood 24" and the dam 21",the pup topped off at 19.5" which goes to show you never can tell.

Yeah he still has 2 weeks till 24 weeks, and if he is still averageing an inch a week, he will hit 21" by that time, just like yours. cheers


You said in your post he was 5 months 2 weeks. :hmm: Which is 2 weeks short of 6 months[26 weeks] which would make him 24 weeks ;) or seemingly not.When was the pup born runforyourlife?


At 22 weeks my two were 20.72" and 22" and went on to make 24" and 25" but like I said earlier he'll make what he makes.

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Hi all, i have anew addition to my lurcher pack. Let me know your ideas on size and the way you work it out. This pup is a cross with a beddlington whippet(stands at 23" female) and a collie grey(stands at 25"). He is standing at 19" now, and is 5months 2 weeks old. In the last 5 weeks he has grown 4". He is very stocky but just lately seems to have lost some of the big knuckle in his feet. So what are you putting him at, let me know, and i will keep you posted and to see if you get it right......



23.5 :cheers:

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