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Cheap Drop Net update


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  leepy1 said:
Hey up gollum just like to say that is the dogs gonads mate im very impressed mate :clapper::clapper::clapper: ps is gollum the name of that little weirdo iv got as my avatar from lord of the rings ?


Thanks Leepy,


yes Gollum is the chap on your avatar, I have a similar pic on my profile page...


All the best.



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Dummy net up this morning.






Initial observation is that it looks like a really crap net :) So hopefully no one will think it worth bothering to steal. Its a bit flimsy on the bamboo canes but it should stay up I think.


Now to watch the bunnies.....


I'll update with observations next week.


HH all.



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24 Hours later.....and I should add its been quite windy...


But, had a wander past to check all still intact and found that 1 end pole has snapped, and the other has collapsed :(


Not the end of the world, just need to find something stronger for the 2 end poles and bang them in. The end poles do take much more strain as they are dealing with the top guy peg off too. They did both look quite bent yesterday......


Only 2 rabbits out and both on the other side of the fence. Usually at this time 4pm, in sunshine, there would be 5 - 6 plus on average, out in the wheat. So they've got the fear alright, lets see how long it lasts.....





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  • 2 weeks later...

its very impressive gollum but a bit like open university to me, take me weeks to get my head round all that. do you think you could do a post on longnetting for beginners (and mortals) cheers whip

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Hi Rich,


I tend to agree about the net colour, it is a bit conspicuous :)

I wanted to see if it worked before wasting money and time on dyeing. Strangely, from 50 yards or so away at the bottom of the bank on the roadside its almost invisible against the sky! Its actually a lot less obvious than the normal green 4z net I use.

However, the total lack of rabbits passing under it after 11 days now is definitely getting me thinking...


I'll send you a pm in a bit with more detail.


Whip, thanks for the comps, I would be happy to do a post for beginners, but I am a long netting beginner myself :)


Its all a learning curve and I am sharing my experiences with everyone in the hope that some of it is of use to others. No doubt I will make mistakes along the way and hopefully those more experienced than myself will point this out when it occurs, in fact I am looking for as much feedback as possible to speed the process up.

If I did have any advice to offer it would be: get to know your permissions like the back of your hand and learn how the rabbits on it behave. It may sound obvious but if anything I would say that has made more difference to my hunting than anything else.


More news when I have it.


HH all.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Took the dummy nets down today..

22 days and nights and still the rabbits are not passing underneath the net.


Richie had a good point about the colour...maybe white was a bit much....the wheat is recovering well though :)




Any suggestions anyone?


HH all.



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hi G


i would definately try with dying the nets & disguising the poles with camo somehow.... worth a try.



also would it be possible to have less poles ? maybe a metre or so extra between each pole ?

just a thought.



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  richie said:
hi G


i would definately try with dying the nets & disguising the poles with camo somehow.... worth a try.



also would it be possible to have less poles ? maybe a metre or so extra between each pole ?

just a thought.




I agree mate, white was too much :) What with the rain and wind they are spotless and gleaming now, next change will be dying em dark green same as 4z long nest I use for the real drops. I don't think I dare increase the yardage between poles though. Its ten yards between poles now, much more and I'm worried the top line will be easily pulled down under the weight of a rabbit or two meshed up.


How did the cam testing go?





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  TOMO said:
how do you know the rabbits arnt going under? do you stand and watch all day?

I have been observing this warren for 6 months.

I walk by most days, before i put the net up and after and I had a reasonable idea of the times to expect to see them and in what weather. So when for example on a sunny day with breeze you always find 5 or more out at 4pm and then nothing at anytime in any weather after the net goes up....it seems fairly clear that they aren't behaving as they usually do. Also, the wheat which was being kept short in a 50 yard long stretch was not being grazed anymore. The recovery became pronounced after 3 days or so.

Also, the runs that used to head from buries on the bank through the fence then straight out in to the wheat, now head up the bank to the fence and then run parallel with the fence for the length of the net.....then head out to the wheat.


What do you reckon?


Seems fairly conclusive to me.


I think Richie was right and its the colour thats doing it...





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  richie said:
hi G


any joy yet ?





Hi Rich,


Nope, lots of head scratching :)


I'll try dyeing the dummy net at some point but Im a bit focused on long netting when the harvesting starts at the mo. It should be any day now, so Ive just made another 3 50 yard 4z sheet long nets ready for it :) Hopefully 300 yards in total will be enough..should be fun anyway.


How did you get on with the cam?



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