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i have had a terrier bitch for a couple of years now. and yesterday i got a lurcher bitch but every time my terrier sees it she attacks it goin for its neck and every think can anyone give me any advise on how to make them get along. other wise i dont no what i am goin to do.

thanks michael

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I had a terrier that was extremely aggressive toward new dogs. It took a month before she accepted a new one on her territory and her space. I would say take the out for walks together, and supervise whenever theyre together. Also dont leave any possesive items in their presence, like bones and toys. Some dogs, just wont ever accept another dog, especially fighting breeds.

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I had a terrier that was a bit like that. Normal everyday life together was fine but she was very possesive over myself and my daughter and also food, toys etc.


Is it possible to crate one of the dogs to keep them seperate? Also some bitches just can't live together, speying one or both of them might help but obviously not if you are planning on breeding from either of them.


I had to always be on my guard with my girls, Missie usually started the punch ups but Paris usually did the most damage.


You might find they just need time together to settle but keep a close eye on them.

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i had it seperate them also it could be feeding them together not enough exercise there bored the bitchs season upseting her mood the heat or if its when your there it might be jeous [spelling] but i would seperate them otherwise you could see a dead dog

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at the moment there probly getting ready to sort out the pecking order but if a actuall hatred occures then it will be there for live try keep them apart and like said earllyer give them plenty of excercise together on the leads to try form a pack enviroment but i would never leave them alone together in the yard thats when problems begin

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