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How many purse nets do you have in your armoury at one time, I keep a stock of fifty, if Ilose one or one or two get damaged I cut the rings off and knit a couple of new ones to keep the number up to fifty. The reason I ask is with longnets being so popular at the moment the need to have shedfulls of nets is a thing of the past, regards GINGER DAVE :good::good:

Edited by ginger dave
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Have a huge bag with 75 in it!

My fert partner usually brings 25 or so as well.

Never had to use them all thankfully.

Also never used a long net!

Many years ago I do remember setting 100 nets in a long ditch took forever.

Did produce around 30 rabbits though!!

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I take a bag with 50 nets when i go ferreting we usually try to purse net everything ,but there 3 longnets and 300 purse nets if we need them just depends where were going

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  ginger dave said:
How many purse nets do you have in your armoury at one time, I keep a stock of fifty, if Ilose one or one or two get damaged I cut the rings off and knit a couple of new ones to keep the number up to fifty. The reason I ask is with longnets being so popular at the moment the need to have shedfulls of nets is a thing of the past, regards GINGER DAVE :good::good:


Always have 130 nets, 250 yds long nets in various lengths, mate has 100+nets 250yds long nets.

Always drive as close as we can and if we can't drive we don't do it.Don't use purse nets when it can be avoided.Can't really say its being lazy because we always clear and rake when we long net around trees.Some burys we do are 200 yds long with twice as many holes.I have 4 quick sets 2x50 and 2x25 yds,we find no quicker to set or lift than the traditional long net.But you might say just a pair of silly old buggers.We do from time to time go out with an old boy who calls us youngsters (and other things) he's 75 ,must have been ferreting for 60yrs or more and keeps 150 nets has converted to long nets. Some times you can, some times you can't.Hope this helps(can't remember the question now)By the way I'm at home on holiday whats your excuse. :victory:


Ps I have a terrier a lurcher mate has a lurcher.They catch a lot before they get to the net.

It's nice to hear that you make your own nets.Happy hunting. :good:

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Guest silenthunter
  ginger dave said:
How many purse nets do you have in your armoury at one time, I keep a stock of fifty, if Ilose one or one or two get damaged I cut the rings off and knit a couple of new ones to keep the number up to fifty. The reason I ask is with longnets being so popular at the moment the need to have shedfulls of nets is a thing of the past, regards GINGER DAVE :good::good:

i got 8 hemp purse nets need to get another 20 0r so need to find someone who can make them for me really my grandad use to but he passed away at the begining of the yaer so havent been ferreting lately because of i now it will upset me abit because my grandad lernt me to ferret and he was the main man in my eyes i lernt alot from him but going to start up again soon but be going out on my own now going to feel wierd but i should get use to it happy hunting silenthunter...p.s u dont now anybody how i can buy some nets off do you thank you happy hunting silenthunter

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