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Which Moderator???

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Hi all,

just about to get my hands on my new stalking rifle, a Steyr Scout in .308win. Now its time to start thinking of which Mod to get for it. A mate has a T8 on his, and due to the barrel length from the stock it sits nearly flush with the stock and looks like a great big barrel, which i have to say i like. Plus because of the weight of the rifle, the T8 doesnt really affect the balance of the gun imo...Now the hard part, ive heard some bad things about the T8...whatelse is there out there???

Thanks in advance for any help guys n gals....Peace :victory:

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We supply both BR Reflex and ASE, and found until 2 yrs ago that BR Reflex T series were the most popular.


We have only ever had one failure which we arent convinced wasnt down to bad care.


The T8 overall is not a bad moderator, but have you looked at the ASE Utra Jet Z Compact.


Ok its a bit more expensive, but streets ahead in quality.


ASE have a specific moderator for the Steyr and are available for all calibers.


If you would like an info sheet, drop us an email on info@scottcountry.co.uk and we will be happy to email or fax you one.


Basic Stats:


Weight 520g

Sound Suppression 28dB (A) considerably better than BR Reflex

183 x 41mm

Warranty, 10,000 rounds







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im getting a ase cqb for my 222/250 once i pick it up. ive heard a rifle with a s5 ase on and one with a ase compact on which is a 243 and above mod really. but all i can say is god there superb and i wouldnt have any other mod

as there the best on the market i would say. not many people like front mounted mods as the weight is over the front then. but i think there better as they dont look to big as over barrel mods and if your shooting off a bipod what does the weight at the front matter anyway :thumbs:

Edited by jamie g
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Jamie, id agree.


However on something with a light weight barrel, Tikka T3 etc, the ASE Utra actually helps balance the rifle better and allows for a steadier shot.


On something like a Steyr SSG with heavy barrel it can be very muzzle heavy, but as you say with a bipod its not an issue, and you wouldnt want to be taking too many shots with one of those without a bipod anyway.


The S5 is a different design to the Jet Z Compact, but a great choice on stainless rifles, otherwise I would go for the Jet Z every time.







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hi there,


i'm not much of an expert on this but i have just been through getting a mod fixxed onto my .243 (marksman and daughter). looked at quite a few and talked around a lot about which was going to be best. went for T8 in the end: and it doing a good job.

the pattern has come together a touch but i find the best thing is that you can properly see the shot placement: bloody nice if you do a lot of stalking in thick covert.


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However on something with a light weight barrel, Tikka T3 etc, the ASE Utra actually helps balance the rifle better and allows for a steadier shot.



I do not understand this comment. The opposite is true, I would not like to shoot a rifle with a mod on it from a standing position. It makes the gun front heavy and difficult to balance, particularly with a hunter barrel.


As you are a dealer I would welcome your viewpoint as to why some welded steel or aluminium and baffles costs over £200? They are rather expensive. I appreciate that you may not know the full answer to this from a design point of view, but mods work in one of two ways, reflex or screw on and the are only a limited number of ways to skin a cat.

Edited by jackg
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A-Tec mod, fully strippable, light, great sound supression for the .308, check them out although i'll tell you now they are not cheap,

but quality never is, :whistling:

And only two inches longer than the t8,

Edited by SNAP SHOT
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i didn't but one myself as i cannot afford it just yet, sadly other things have priorty at the minute, but a friend of mine got one from germany.

but you can purchase them in england now..............to late now to loook up the address of the supplier noe but i'll post it up as soon as i get a chance.

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  jackg said:
However on something with a light weight barrel, Tikka T3 etc, the ASE Utra actually helps balance the rifle better and allows for a steadier shot.



I do not understand this comment. The opposite is true, I would not like to shoot a rifle with a mod on it from a standing position. It makes the gun front heavy and difficult to balance, particularly with a hunter barrel.


As you are a dealer I would welcome your viewpoint as to why some welded steel or aluminium and baffles costs over £200? They are rather expensive. I appreciate that you may not know the full answer to this from a design point of view, but mods work in one of two ways, reflex or screw on and the are only a limited number of ways to skin a cat.


Jack, in your experience moderators make a rifle front heavy but while this can happen it is not always the case. I have an ASE on my 243, an RWS Titan6, and it massively improves the balance. Without it, too much weight in the butt and the rifle is twitchy, with it on the front, balance is perfect and the rifle is a joy to shoot.

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