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Does anyone get migraines

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I have suffered from migrains since a small baby . get the vomiting and all the rest . spent about ten yrs of my life being a guinie pig for the docs with injections and tablets etc nothing ever seemed to work . its caused by the blood vessles swelling in the brain . best thing i find is to take 2x 500 m asprin the min it starts then a pint of water with 2 x400m ibuprofen that helps the swelling . works for me most of the time lol .it can also be triggered by certain foods and changes in hormones .hope thi is of some help . I wouldnt wish them on my worse enemy :sick: :sorry::cry:

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Bright lights set mine of, :thumbdown: when i was younger i had a lot. Now i am 55 not so bad,

when i do have attack, i get stars in my vison and feel very sick. I have to go to bed in

total darkness, and stay there for about 12hours, it doesnt matter what time of the day it is.???


i hate the feckin things :thumbdown:



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get them twice if im lucky only once a year, always in my left eye do the dark room no noise routine,. had eyes tested they where fine, stopped goin to doctors they werent interested just said take pain killers...too busy sortin methadone for poor junkies !

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I have a migraine now

My head is fit to burst

It is a proper b*stard

No matter what - it wont go

If I lay down it hurts my head on the pillow

Cant explain how it hurts

Only started with these when I stopped smoking about 6 years ago

I would not start smoking again but it makes you wonder

Hopefully it will be gone by morning


Been to doctors but no one knows why they start


Does anyone else have them?


could have gone rabbit shooting this evening if I didn't have this b*stard


Ya poor fooker, I too suffer with migraine, really ban, it can go on for a few days.


Only thing for me is bed, dark room, really hope it goes soon.

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