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i got a couple of pm"s recently asking about the progress of our mastiff

so here she is now 10 months old 28" and 74 kilo and still growing

although only 10 months and very gentle with people other dogs etc,

she is a totally diferent dog when its dark or theres nobody at home

that has come naturaley to her and something she was not trained to do by me



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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: Jesus H. Christ! When will she stop growing! Looks like a way to go yet?


Ye still got the Rottie, mate?


I've got a new man stopper on my ground now. Got this one through one of the lads on here. Only had her since friday and she's getting better by the hour. Just waiting ro get some definative shots of her and I'll announce her :D

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nice to see there are some mastiffs out there that still have their guarding instincts!!

i wanted to get one but dont think i will find one that isnt a pet only.... unless i got a neo or something like that!


I always found bullmastiff's sharper guardog, than a mastiff.? Thats why keepers used them

in the old days. Alot of keepers use G.S.D or Rotties , i think that say's it all today??



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i like my american bulldogs as guards, personally. i have spent enough time around GSDs that i cant stand the clingy -gotta-be-by-my-side-constantly attitude.. thats ok if i want a personal protector... but, well even then i dont have that problem with my bulldogs. they're always by my side, but i can leave them where ever i tell them to stay and not have to worry about them spazzing out or breaking something or escaping to try and find me.


havent got much experience with rotties or bull mastiffs so i cant comment on them. rotties just seem like black and tan bulldogs.

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:icon_eek: Jesus H. Christ! When will she stop growing! Looks like a way to go yet?


Ye still got the Rottie, mate?


I've got a new man stopper on my ground now. Got this one through one of the lads on here. Only had her since friday and she's getting better by the hour. Just waiting ro get some definative shots of her and I'll announce her :D



yes still got the rottie shes getting on now but still as sharp as a needle

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Liked ye Rottie, mate. Got one just like her myself now. What a lovely Dog they are, aren't they, when not raised by inner city chav wanker types and wannabe hard men :)

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