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  johnk said:
I have heard of a few methods of fox calling but most of them dont work that well does anyone no how i can make a fox call or get a fox call online ???? :victory::icon_eek:

the only foxes that can be called in are usually the young at the start of the season now an again i've had the odd descent 1 in but nomally its the young i normally give a little squeak on my had and when lamping them dont put the beam on them just try and do it so there eyes reflect back but ive never tryed any other way :drink:

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Warrener videos may give you a few pointers. I used to attach an old lorry wing mirror to my battery box which hung over my right hip and used a block of polystyrene accross it (wet the glass first) thus leaving your left hand free for holding lurcher for destruction of said varmint. Good luck. :thumbs:

Or you can drag the polystyrene accross your car windscreen, makes a hell of a noise when you apply different pressures, carries a long way and your lips dont go to bleed after an hour or two!!

Edited by Welsh All Black
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Learn to squeek with your mouth and your hand! Works a treat when you master it. And as long as you have hands and lips, you have a fox call!!

If you cant do it, or you want something in your mouth so you have your hands free, then get a widgeon whistle, and imitate a rabbit in distress with it. There is also a slightly larger one, made of brass, which will go round your neck, quite handy at times.

Both of these are cheep, and will last years and years. I still prefer squeeking them in manually though.

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  Welsh All Black said:
Warrener videos may give you a few pointers. I used to attach an old lorry wing mirror to my battery box which hung over my right hip and used a block of polystyrene accross it (wet the glass first) thus leaving your left hand free for holding lurcher for destruction of said varmint. Good luck. :thumbs:

Or you can drag the polystyrene accross your car windscreen, makes a hell of a noise when you apply different pressures, carries a long way and your lips dont go to bleed after an hour or two!!



Are you on drugs :whistling:


You would carry a lorry wing mirrow around the fields with you, are you having a laugh pal.

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  Welsh All Black said:
Warrener videos may give you a few pointers. I used to attach an old lorry wing mirror to my battery box which hung over my right hip and used a block of polystyrene accross it (wet the glass first) thus leaving your left hand free for holding lurcher for destruction of said varmint. Good luck. :thumbs:

Or you can drag the polystyrene accross your car windscreen, makes a hell of a noise when you apply different pressures, carries a long way and your lips dont go to bleed after an hour or two!!

just buy a fox call from countryman's weekly or something..even google it..

but down listen to this guy :thumbdown: CARRY A LORRIE MIRROR OVER YOUR SHOULDER ive never herd anything like it,,,

and polystyrene fuk me the snow would be all over! :icon_eek:



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  dogs-n-natives said:
Learn to squeek with your mouth and your hand! Works a treat when you master it. And as long as you have hands and lips, you have a fox call!!

If you cant do it, or you want something in your mouth so you have your hands free, then get a widgeon whistle, and imitate a rabbit in distress with it. There is also a slightly larger one, made of brass, which will go round your neck, quite handy at times.

Both of these are cheep, and will last years and years. I still prefer squeeking them in manually though.

hit the nail on the head i cant squeek so ill buy a caller...or maybe a wing mirror :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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buy a beretti digital call they are italian made must be the best call on the market 2 day cost around 100 pound best money ever spent if a lost it tonight it would be the 1st thing a would buy tomorrow

Edited by cotn
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Guest silenthunter
  johnk said:
I have heard of a few methods of fox calling but most of them dont work that well does anyone no how i can make a fox call or get a fox call online ???? :victory::icon_eek:

i always squeek using my palm of my hand when you see the fox then turn the lamp power down and let the squeek get lounder and lounder then put the full beam on and slip the dogs or but a bullet in him thats how i do it i dun it that way for years the same way my grandad,uncle and dad told me and it works for me

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