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went out for a walk this morning, to get some nettels for me soup, and found this in the field, now i think its cowslip, and am i right in thinking that you cant build on areas that have plants such as these,


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Guest Ditch_Shitter

It's certainly what I - and most people - would call Cowslip. There's also an Oxlip, but we'd probably be spitting hairs to consider that too closely here. Anyway, yeppers, far as I'm aware, those plants have almost badger like protection under the WC Act.


I have a few beds of them on the little banks along my track right now. Gorgeous little things, aren't they? First the Primroses burst out, in tpwards April. Then, towards May, the Cowslips.

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they are nice little things ditch, they were over on sound ground that we gor permission on, big companies want to buy the ground to put up 2 thousand houses, there are load more plants over there but im not to sure on what is protected and whats not, oh and there is great crested newts over there aswell, can they be touched ??????

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Great Crested Newts??? Can they f*ck as like be touched!!! But, saying that? Two Thousand homes? That'll involve Mega Money, dodgy handshakes and kiddie fiddling parties laid on, mate! The F*cking Works! Government'll be right in amongst that lot (hence the parties).


Trouble is, the people supposedly mean't to be upholding the laws and looking after places like this ARE the f*cking government :wallbash: Natural england. Defra. Shit like that.


Best thing I can suggest right now is that ye have a quick word with ye local Nature Conservation type outfits. Know anyone running a nature reserve in ye area? Get onto the local media too. Get them publishing the information before someone has a word in their editors bank account and the whole shebang goes D Notice.


I'll PM ye the name of someone here with experience of such matters, rigght now. Have a quiet word with them ;)


Here comes that PM.

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there are load more plants over there but im not to sure on what is protected and whats not,


Fire away with photos and I'll try and give you IDs.......it might give you more ammo with the conservation crowd if you can say theres this that and the other growing there.........


Good luck - the whole world is gonna end up covered in concrete and roads and houses the rate things are going..... :censored:

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