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Thunder, Lightening and a F*cking Deluge Over Leitrim!

Guest Ditch_Shitter

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

:icon_eek: And I'd been out carrying a rifle! Got home five minutes before it kicked off.


When this lot comes down off the mountain, it'll scrub my ditch clean as a whistle; That's handy. Must be about a two month build up in there by now! :whistling:

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we had it last night Ditch about 11 o'clock'ish and i was camping in it! there was a few power cuts in the barn we were in first aswell!!


scrubbing your ditch clean from 2 month build up - build up as in what your name suggests :sick:

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Guest JohnGalway

Did you get the governments "what to do in an emergency booklet"? The one with Willie O'Dea and the pistol on the front? There's, or there should be, a leaflet in there having directed you to have an Ark appropriate to your household built by the end of the Irish summer, i.e. end of last week.


Guess yer screwed now though! :o



music :thumbs:
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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Do you really shit and fart in a ditch? :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:



Well; I actually fart in my combats and in bed. But shitting? Yeppers; I prefer to do that in my ditch ;)


I could take ye a photograph, before the wash through comes ....? :unsure:




cúagusgiorraí; Ye not missing That much, mate. It only lasted half an hour tops. Still happy as hell I got up and got moving exactly when I did though. Poor Pat. He caught up with me 150 yards from home and said he was just off to sort some fencing out! :icon_eek: Just as well he was in his van!




JG; What's that booklet doing with a pistol on the front then??? :icon_eek:

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Guest Ditch_Shitter
Messing, but here's the photo for real. Minister for Defence :yes:



:icon_eek: Ye f*cking right! That is him too! I saw him on the pub tv a while back and recognise him! F*ckin' hell!


'Mind you; I s'pose He can afford the 'Pistol Club' routine and so is allowed to have a 9mm at home :whistling:

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