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Spearing flat fish

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been a diver for many years now and its been illegal to spearfish whilst diving since i started 15years ago.....dunnoe if illegal via "other" methods other than diving tho :whistling:





Edited by sauer
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Just got a number of Bow-hunting mags from the states this morning,one manufacturer of hunting broadheads is offering a three-point gig arrowhead for bowfishing flounder :victory:

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was out again today with my spear, saw a monster but it got away before i got close enough, had a go at two smaller ones but the spear bounced off them, it must be getting dull from being under water. Im going to have to get some sort of metal trident on the shaft.


Regarding using the waders i dont think it would work, you need to have your head under water to see them, they are masters of camoflague. They can be anywhere on the bottom when the tide comes in, rocks or just sand.



Ive heard of the stepping on the fish technique, it was used here in the old days.



That catapult spear is a good idea im going to google it. If i cant find it maybe your can make me a wee drawing of the apparatus.

Edited by kvnmcwebn
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  kvnmcwebn said:
was out again today with my spear, saw a monster but it got away before i got close enough, had a go at two smaller ones but the spear bounced off them, it must be getting dull from being under water. Im going to have to get some sort of metal trident on the shaft.


Regarding using the waders i dont think it would work, you need to have your head under water to see them, they are masters of camoflague. They can be anywhere on the bottom when the tide comes in, rocks or just sand.



Ive heard of the stepping on the fish technique, it was used here in the old days.



That catapult spear is a good idea im going to google it. If i cant find it maybe your can make me a wee drawing of the apparatus.


Try using sharpened bycycle spokes, they're made from hardened steel and will last for ever. When I was working in Mozambique the locals used to stab each other in the heart with them, not reccomended!

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>>Try using sharpened bycycle spokes, they're made from hardened steel and will last for ever.


fantastic, that will save me a lot of hasslle.




>>When I was working in Mozambique the locals used to stab each other in the heart with them, not reccomended!


I'll be damned, thats got to be one of the worst ways to die!

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  mackem said:
Could have gotten yourself a great fishing head this morning at the Reading auctions :victory:


Thats some selection, where was that?

Something like is that what i had in mind before the spoke idea.

But some of those would be a bit big for the average flat fish.

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  kvnmcwebn said:
  mackem said:
Could have gotten yourself a great fishing head this morning at the Reading auctions :victory:


Thats some selection, where was that?

Something like is that what i had in mind before the spoke idea.

But some of those would be a bit big for the average flat fish.

It was a trapping auction today mate in Reading,everything from mouse-traps to bear-traps,they even had a fishing-crossbow,shoot the fish and line peels off a spool at the front :victory: Some of those fishing spears went for about a tenner £10. :victory:

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