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Bellman & Flint Locator

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  Cody said:
A bit steep I think Ian , I think some of the big terrier rescues could have done with these over the years, but the price would have to come down to make them competetive.

right my mate ,has tried these things out and says they are the dogs danglies .

he said and i quote "its not that dear "" if you take into account what a decent digging dog is worth"

and to be fair hes right

yis fellman

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My bet is that there will not be much of a market for it in the US, as we rarely get earths that are 8 feet deep, much less off the deben box at 15 feet.


The scoop on this seems to be that Bellman and Flint invented nothing -- just bought off-the-shelf Pieps avalanche locator equipment. The locator box is a Pieps locator box and from the description on the site (no pictures for a reason), the collar seems to be a "Pieps Powder Peep" locator-transmitter which costs about $80 or less.


Why no collar picture? Because the collar is apparently enormous -- draw out on paper the following measurements and take a look at it: 3" by 1.5" by 1.5". That's a BIG box hanging off a small dog's neck. It would be pretty ironic if you had to dig your dog out 20 feet deep because it got stuck on the collar. They say they have had no problems, but I would not want to be the first.


Some folks have said these things are immune to interference from power lines, but the web site does not say that, and the Pieps people do not say that, and the literature on avalanche locators does not say that. The test, of course, is in the field.


A final thought. I always carry extra stuff with me, including two boxes, several collars, and batteries for same. The cost of redundancy with this Bellman and Flint stuff is pretty hight! Right now everyone is using the same quipment, and so we can locate any dox with any box if stuff breaks down. With both the new and the old deben collar-locators in the field, and the new Bellman and Flint stuff out there too, it's going to be nuts.


For now I am not only holding on to my old deben rig, I bought two new collars just in case they stop making them.



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  PBurns said:
My bet is that there will not be much of a market for it in the US, as we rarely get earths that are 8 feet deep, much less off the deben box at 15 feet. 


The scoop on this seems to be that Bellman and Flint invented nothing -- just bought off-the-shelf Pieps avalanche locator equipment.  The locator box is a Pieps locator box and from the description on the site (no pictures for a reason), the collar seems to be a "Pieps Powder Peep" locator-transmitter which costs about $80 or less.


Why no collar picture?  Because the collar is apparently enormous -- draw out on paper the following measurements and take a look at it:  3" by 1.5" by 1.5".  That's a BIG box hanging off a small dog's neck.  It would be pretty ironic if you had to dig your dog out 20 feet deep because it got stuck on the collar.  They say they have had no problems, but I would not want to be the first.


Some folks have said these things are immune to interference from power lines, but the web site does not say that, and the Pieps people do not say that, and the literature on avalanche locators does not say that.  The test, of course, is in the field.


A final thought.  I always carry extra stuff with me, including two boxes, several collars, and batteries for same.  The cost of redundancy with this Bellman and Flint stuff is pretty hight!  Right now everyone is using the same quipment, and so we can locate any dox with any box if stuff breaks down.  With both the new and the old deben collar-locators in the field, and the new Bellman and Flint stuff out there too, it's going to be nuts. 


For now I am not only holding on to my old deben rig, I bought two new collars just in case they stop making them. 




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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, i happen to be the luckyest twat in the States, as i got the first set over here!..lol...When i was back home, if we went digging, the dogs where kept on a leash...you preaty much know where the holes are at...over here, the land is bigger, and it seems to be preaty much the case that you have some dogs with you, but a dog of leash, with collar on hunting about...when me and the wife hunt southern Utah, we have to walk miles sometimes to find the 'Coon dens...you cant keep a Deben collar on the dogs, because hunting along streams and rivers, they always fail (and yes i know how to tape a f*****g collar up!..lol.) the bellman and flint, you dont have to worry!...totaly waterproof...plus, if you get your dog run off and enter an earth without you seeing (never happened to me, my dogs are shit!..lol.) if your within 100 meters, you can find it...so thats all i will be using from know on...yeah, there exspensive...but do you lads want to be messing about at a dig, or do you want to be in and out, nice and clean?...

all the best


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I was going to try and copy a deben box once but they scratch the number off the IC chip... they would cost a few quid to make I reckon....its the collar thats the hard part :D

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I have put the colar in a bucket of water for 24 hours and it has still worked...i have also had mates hide it and me find it (up to 100 yards away)...i havent dug to it yet mate...i might be going to Ohio real soon though, just to try it out...i will give an honest account of it when i have fully tested it...when FR gets his up and going, he will have some nice places to try it...he has spots that are bigger than most over here..all the best


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Hi Peter...hope your well?..

I have some nice pics of the collar and stuff...but im a thick twat...i will have to mail them to you or summat?...maybe driop me a email or pm mate, then you can stick them up?..

all the best mate


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yeah, its nice Coop...i 'aint done no where near as much digging as i would have back home...hopefully move in the next year or summat...the wife cant stand me moaning about not digging and stuff!..lol..I dont want to move to far east though...in a perfect world, i would LOVE Kansas or Missouri...New Mexico would be nice, but not enough digging...all the best Cooper


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