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bit trout fishing (no luck tho) picks of the water .

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wasd out yesterday on a river near me with me best [bANNED TEXT] had a good day but no luck fish were everywhere and visable but wernt having it we tryd maggot with swimfeeder worm on a weight and stick float bobing down stream also had a fly rod out and spinner on but not even a take was disapointing but were away back at the weekend trying a new loch aswell so ill post picks of the day onlky one of yesterday as cant be botherd resizing them as i only know how to do it in paint threw select all and its taking forever lol.


regards kris.

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cheers mate . thats it you cant expect to catch all the time it was a cracking day so no bag at the end of it didnt matter although i hope i get some over the weekend lol . here is the pick i meant to attach earlyer .


regards kris.


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