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right..... first of all after having those fly eggs in the hutch i cleaned and sprayed both hutches and the ferrets were indoors but now they are outside, The hob loves it, but before i gt him 2 months ago he was kept in a garage, and then indoors over the last 2 months and now outside.

well.... the jill isnt as keen. when i got her 5 months ago, she was kept outside by a man who didnt really look after her i dont think because he had like 50 odd ferrets and another 50 dogs which had been taken off him... and he was fined i think 2000 pounds....

Those of you on here who are in South Wales and get the Argus newpaper may know who i am on about....

well when i got her, she was really quiet and didnt want to play much just wanted to cuddle up, so over time she started to play. But when she was in season i mated her with my hob and she was takenout of season and all th signs of being pregnant, and on the 6th week there was nothing and on the 7th i took her to the vets and they revealed to me that it was just a phantom....

Well last night they slept outside.

I took her out earlier and as i put her back she grabbed onto my hand and was not letting go she was trying to drag me into her hutch, (sleeping area).....

This was really really strange, because she has never nipped me or anything..... she really is a lovely pet...

Well I took her out after that into my room and lay on the bed watching tv and she was lying around my neck licking my face and then she grabs my ear..... again a real shock she i so soft usually so soft i dont even want t take her out ferreting becasue she will proberbly cuddle up to the rabit down the hole. My mum said its like she does not want to let me out of her sight because usually when she is in my room she is jumping around and goes and explores but nothin like that today..

I do not know what is wrong with her

what shall i do...??



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My opinion would be her hormones are all over the place mate.They all are a bit strange@this time of the year.Another factor is she might be coming out of her shell since you mated her.Im pretty sure in a cpl month she will be back to her good old self.GOOD LUCK MATE!

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My opinion would be her hormones are all over the place mate.They all are a bit strange@this time of the year.Another factor is she might be coming out of her shell since you mated her.Im pretty sure in a cpl month she will be back to her good old self.GOOD LUCK MATE!

All my females are broodie at the moment and keep dragging each other into the sleeping area just like they would if they had kits to look after. Sounds like your ferret is doing that to you. She will probably stop when the breeding season ends. You must have won her trust in quite a big way if she wants to treat you like another ferret.

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ohhh thanks that makes me feal special :D, but i adore her and dont like it when shes like this.... lol (i sound like a girl lol)

does anyone think if i put her in the 2 tier hutch and the hob in the single and then put another jill in with her.....

But if this could help when i go and view another jill i will take her with me and put them together and see how they get on and then i can make a judgement whether to get that jill or not..



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