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Ruger 10/22 problem

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  dickyboy said:
The reason semis jam up is they are american its the same with their shotguns! they are not made for use with subs, i fire 200-300 shots a night when i'm rabbiting, so have to clean it every day, but then after that many shots any rifle deserves it(i don't clean the barrel that often as lead jacketed bullets don't damage the same!!


To use subs it just has to be kept clean, the only reason high velocity work is they have more power which is only really force the bolt over loads of crap so keeping it clean is better any way!!!


My ruger is wonderful, i've changed nothing apart from a 12" barrel being put on and that was dirt cheap cos it was a 10/22, it works fine all the time(when i clean it) and i only had it barreled cos i shoot out of a vehicle and its very handy!! accurate enough to head shoot rabbits at 60-70yards, and because its a ruger i can whack over 4-5 rabbits in the time a bolt action would knock over 1!!!!


I do hate people commenting and generalising on stuff they've never used!!!!


If anyone needs advice on rugers the people to call are south yorkshire shooting supplies......absolutely brilliant every time and so helpful!!



thats where i get all my bit from aswell, south yorkshire shooting supplies.


the thing i like about the rugers is there so many spare & upgrades to get.. the barrel on my 10/22T has had a chop aswell, well handy for shooting out the motor..

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Out again last night put around 80 rounds through with only 1 jam!

Had some good shots up to 75yds and poss knocked over 60 plus bunnies!!


The mags used are standard factory 9 shot.

And thanks again to all for the information.

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Can't argue, I am a big fan of the 10/22, you just have to get the right one.


Everyone I find, bar one person, says mini mag are the way to go if you don't use subs. CCI blazer is the guy who doesn't like minimag.

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