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bloodlines/breeding peaked ?

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Even the breeding to good Salukis is going to be a problem in the future as most of the Salukis in the UK are also heavily line bred, especially the kizzy/pharoah stuff.


We need some good eatern imports, Kurdish village bred Salukiare winning hands down in comps in the mid east

what comps are you talking about? if your going to go to the trouble of importing, you need to bring them in from a place that they are mostly bred for hare and not bigger stuff.

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The kind of competions you see on You Tube, I get the impression everything is a competition to them.


The kurdish dogs would be Hare/Fox dogs yet they are 'supposed' to be besting the Saudi dogs on Gazelle as well.


I don't think there is much big stuff left, except over in sudan or on reserves.

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just a quistion ? a lad local to us breads borbals?spelling. but i no he imports straws from abroad to use on his bitches would that not be the most feasible way to bring in new blood to strengthen or to out cross the bloodlines.at a fraction of the cost.

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The kind of competions you see on You Tube, I get the impression everything is a competition to them.


The kurdish dogs would be Hare/Fox dogs yet they are 'supposed' to be besting the Saudi dogs on Gazelle as well.


I don't think there is much big stuff left, except over in sudan or on reserves.

i see, don't think they have competitions like we would have but they like their saluki to be the one that kills the hare est. the kill seems to be more important over there than winning points, how many dogs are running or even how its killed, seen one video where they were shooting at a Gazelle that their salukis were running LOL.

i would go for Syrian or Saudi salukis myself.

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