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making tealers

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after getting some snares from woodga, he kindly included his dvd with my order, I was going to try fence snaring, but after visiting my new permission, found it to be fence by the thick "park" type fence, which would make it quite hard, so decieded to use tealers on the runs, after watching the dvd a couple of times, and making a jig, am quite happy with the results, got the fence wire from B&Q's at £4 a roll, with made me 49 method 2 tealers


cheers woodga, still got to add the line and pegs





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after getting some snares from woodga, he kindly included his dvd with my order, I was going to try fence snaring, but after visiting my new permission, found it to be fence by the thick "park" type fence, which would make it quite hard, so decieded to use tealers on the runs, after watching the dvd a couple of times, and making a jig, am quite happy with the results, got the fence wire from B&Q's at £4 a roll, with made me 49 method 2 tealers


cheers woodga, still got to add the line and pegs

Nice ones Stubby...........I like to use that type tealer around harvest time when the ground can be parched dry as they push in the ground easier......hope you remembered to fit the holding pegs as well. ;)


Kind Regards



Edited by john b
removal of repeated pics
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Guest WILF

Nice one stubby.........I prefer a figure 4 tealer, just find them a bit steadier........buts thats just me.

Hope you remembered to make your marker pins as well ;)


Try snaring on very short grass.........it makes you study the ground for the beats a lot more........at least very amature fellas like me it does.

Good fun...........


You been on that field by the round-a-bout yet?.........its fecking lifting with rabbits.

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Nice one stubby.........I prefer a figure 4 tealer, just find them a bit steadier........buts thats just me.

Hope you remembered to make your marker pins as well ;)


Try snaring on very short grass.........it makes you study the ground for the beats a lot more........at least very amature fellas like me it does.

Good fun...........


You been on that field by the round-a-bout yet?.........its fecking lifting with rabbits.


well, the new permission I have is a football pitch, so yup, the grass is kept short

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Nice one stubby.........I prefer a figure 4 tealer, just find them a bit steadier........buts thats just me.

Hope you remembered to make your marker pins as well ;)


Try snaring on very short grass.........it makes you study the ground for the beats a lot more........at least very amature fellas like me it does.

Good fun...........


You been on that field by the round-a-bout yet?.........its fecking lifting with rabbits.


well, the new permission I have is a football pitch, so yup, the grass is kept short

stubby, is it me or is it the way that the photo has been taken , it looks as if you have set the snare in between the beats, also there is a bad fault the way that the snare is set , pm, me and i,ll explain it to you ,
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Nice one stubby.........I prefer a figure 4 tealer, just find them a bit steadier........buts thats just me.

Hope you remembered to make your marker pins as well ;)


Try snaring on very short grass.........it makes you study the ground for the beats a lot more........at least very amature fellas like me it does.

Good fun...........


You been on that field by the round-a-bout yet?.........its fecking lifting with rabbits.


well, the new permission I have is a football pitch, so yup, the grass is kept short

stubby, is it me or is it the way that the photo has been taken , it looks as if you have set the snare in between the beats, also there is a bad fault the way that the snare is set , pm, me and i,ll explain it to you ,



i think the snare is only been pushed in the ground for demonstration purposes.


If you look, he doesnt have cord & peg on the tealer

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Nice one stubby.........I prefer a figure 4 tealer, just find them a bit steadier........buts thats just me.

Hope you remembered to make your marker pins as well ;)


Try snaring on very short grass.........it makes you study the ground for the beats a lot more........at least very amature fellas like me it does.

Good fun...........


You been on that field by the round-a-bout yet?.........its fecking lifting with rabbits.


well, the new permission I have is a football pitch, so yup, the grass is kept short

stubby, is it me or is it the way that the photo has been taken , it looks as if you have set the snare in between the beats, also there is a bad fault the way that the snare is set , pm, me and i,ll explain it to you ,


as stated above mate, it was pushed into the grass in the garden, purely for the picture, it aint finished yet

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so, put my first lot of snares out on thursday evening, my permission is a football pitch, fenced, surrounded by parkland, at first I was hoping to be able to snare the fence, but due to the thickness of the bushes that run along it, this was impossible, hence I made some tealers,

placed 30 down, on the runs that were coming from under the bushes, these snares need to be placed and lifted the next morning, as its a public area of a daytime.

well on pickup, very poor results, one rabbit snared, and the early morning crows had, had a pick at him, one snare missing, inc tealer, just the peg left, but fur everywhere, so Im thinking fox,

and that was it,

the only good thats really come from this, apart from introducing me to snares, Is I got permission to catch the rabbits by any means, barring shooting, myself,magwitch and ferreter216 tried ferreting the area last week, and only took 4 rabbits, again due to the thick undergrowth, thats also evergreen, so it wont be better come autumn

live catch traps I didnt feel comfortable leaving on site, as a bridleway runs across it, and I could see them going walkies, and after the poor result with snares (even though first time)

they have ok'd shooting, so off there tonight to see if we can get better results

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  • 12 years later...

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