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shooting in the lakes

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hello mate............i live and work in the lakes and up until last year, had a 65acre farm in the national park. some of the land was rough pasture ( 32 acres) ,woodland (17acres), rough fell (16 acres). although there where few rabbits, there was squirrels, foxes, wood pigeons, corvids of all type, roe and red deer.


sounds idyllic dosn't it??????


woodland was bordered by a public footpath, rough pasture was crossed by footpaths and the rough fell was open access ( don't set me off!?!?!?!).


this is the problem.............feckin ramblers...........wasn't safe to shoot anywhere......because you obviously couldn't be sure where or when walkers would pass by.......beleive it or not they used to walk the footpaths in the dark!!!!!!


me and the kids used to do a bit of plinking in the dutch barn................again adjacent to a footpath............the comments we used to get...........on our own property.............in a safe- and i mean safe ( 4 foot thick and eight foot high straw bale backstop) and firing in the oposite direction of the footpath)and a good 20 meters away aswell) was unbeleivable..............you'd think we where recruiting and training for Al-Qeuida!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


anyway............to answer your question......


you may well get a permission or two.....but!!


open access and public footpaths don't worry the farmer if ( you) are willing to remove vermin/pests free of charge or for reward ( the former is the most likely) it is your responsibility to stay within the law......................and...............when Tarquin and his plus four wearing pals are wandering about all over someone elses property , with scant regard for anything!!!!!! and they see (you) all camoed up in the prone position, they automatically think you are some gun weilding maniac and your only intention is to shoot them!!!!!!!!!! no i'm not kidding!!


our permissions are now further away ( north lancs and north yorks) for the above and other reasons.


we no longer have the farm (sadly)........this being due to the opening of a public bridleway across our land!!!!!!!and more alarmingly within 5 feet of our front door!? which apparently we have no say over. even after public enquiry and 5 figure solicitors bill!!!!!


anyway we moved .............as not to be bitter, so i will say no more....


in conclusion................its a possibily....and if you get a permission...... you'll need to do lots of homework before you can even consider using your gun.


anyway now ive put a dampner on it all..............good luck and i seriously hope you can find somwhere.


PM me with your planned location and i will try and help all i can .............know a lot of people in the lakes...........you never know?????? we might end up sharing a permission....lol!!!


sorry to go on and hope this helps





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