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ferret piss

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i was wondering if any 1 can help ive got 4 ferrets and my hutch is about 5 foot by 3 foot clean them out every day but no matter how much dust free sawdust i put down the piss is soaking into the wooden floor so ive been spraying diluted dettol on it to kill any germs or stuff what can i do to get aroun this problem ???????? :good:

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See if you can toilet train them, I just did it with my Kit and she took to it quite easy I cant stand piss everywhere, My hob pisses everywhere but i think its scent marking. I wonder if he wouldve used the box if he was trained :blink:



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read in a book about cutting a square out of the floor and covering with chicken wire and putting a draw underneath filled with sawdust so the piss or shit would fall through into the draw but ive put my hutch on 4 foot legs and coverd it with chicken mesh underneath to give them a small run and cut a hole in floor and put a ramp in so could not use a draw ....

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Guest chilli
read in a book about cutting a square out of the floor and covering with chicken wire and putting a draw underneath filled with sawdust so the piss or shit would fall through into the draw but ive put my hutch on 4 foot legs and coverd it with chicken mesh underneath to give them a small run and cut a hole in floor and put a ramp in so could not use a draw ....



you could do dont see the point though !! the plastic way works very well indeed no smell an clean what more could you wish for ?

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have you thought about a cat litter tray, ive got 2 jills and they picked a corner to use as a toilet well as you say it soaked into the wood and stank, so i solved that problem and put a littertray inside and they always use it, clean it out everyday, no more smell :D:good:

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i use a litter tray to, dont use wood shaving tho, i just use the local newspaper, so much crap in it anyway lol


i did have to clamp it to the side of the hutch, and put food in the other corner ... mine doesnt seem to like going where there is food...

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Guest wickidweasel

i put a decent bit of lino down to stop it soaking into the wood it lasts for ages and shite dont stick as much. cutting a tub diagonaly in half does work well if you get it in the right corner.

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