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Hi to all, I am from the south west of England. I am a country boy born and bred, it seems like I have been mooching about since Adam was a lad, however I am new to internet forums so I hope this works. I currently have one lurcher, one terrier, one ferret, a internet connection that operates at glacial speed and a fairly loose grasp on spelling. My interests include the dogs allready mentioned, lamping, moocing etc, conservation, the preservation of field sports and just plain old walking.

Is there a thread on here that leads you through posting & pics?

I look forward to entering the discussions. Great I just spotted the spell check button!

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Welcome longbow, enjoy finding your way around :icon_eek: i'm on here a while now and still can't grasp it all so don't worry someone will help you out if your stuck........................ :thumbs:

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Many thanks for the weloming mesages, just enjoying read the threads & finding my way around.How do you add apic to a post "insert image" or na attachment?

take a look ay MY CONTROLS at the top right corner...You should be able to work it out from there..


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Many thanks for the weloming mesages, just enjoying read the threads & finding my way around.How do you add apic to a post "insert image" or na attachment?

take a look ay MY CONTROLS at the top right corner...You should be able to work it out from there..


Then click on EDIT AVATOR SETTINGS :thumbs:

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